Court and Grievance Decisions

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Date Respondent Issued By Order Disposition/Conduct
10/18/2024 In Re Receivership Of Michael L. Dubois, Esq. Single Justice Receiver Discharge Order [PDF] Order for Discharge of Co-Receivers
10/18/2024 Board Counsel v. Melanie A. Allen, Esq. Guardian ad Litem Review Board Report of Findings and Order [PDF] REMOVAL: Conflicts of interest and Mandatory Disclosure; Willful Violation of order imposing discipline; Willful failure to comply with subpoena or knowingly fail to respond to a lawful demand from disciplinary authority; Failure to Comply with duty to Re
9/27/2024 Board v. Jon P. Plourde Grievance Commission Report Finding of Probable Cause for Filing of Information with the Court [PDF] Report Finding of Probable Cause for Filing of Information with the Court
8/16/2024 In re Petition for Reinstatement of Bronwen Pierson Single Justice Reinstatement Order [PDF] Order of Reinstatement
8/16/2024 Board v. William B. Blaisdell IV, Esq. Single Justice Order Suspended Suspension/Monitoring [PDF] Diligence, communication, failure to withdraw from representation upon request, expediting litigation, failure to respond to lawful request for information, misconduct
8/15/2024 Board v. Paul S. Bulger, Esq. Single Justice Order of Surrender [PDF] Order Accepting Surrender of License
8/13/2024 Board v. Roger M. Champagne, Esq. Grievance Commission Report Finding of Probable Cause for Filing of Information with the Court [PDF] Probable cause found for further proceedings before the Court
8/12/2024 In re Petition for Reinstatement to the Maine Bar of Timothy Fredheim Single Justice Reinstatement Order [PDF] Order of Reinstatement
8/7/2024 In re Michael L. Dubois, Esq. Single Justice Receiver Appointment Amended Order [PDF] Amended Order for Appointment of Limited Co-Receivers
8/5/2024 Board v. Aaron Blaschke Rowden Single Justice Order of Surrender [PDF] Order Accepting Surrender of License
7/29/2024 Board v. Jacqueline L.L. Gomes, Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand Report of Findings and Order [PDF] Competency, allocation of authority, diligence, communication, declining or terminating representation, failure to respond to lawful request for information, and misconduct and conduct prejudicial to the administration of justice.
7/22/2024 Board v. Christopher R. Largay, Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand/Monitoring Order Probation [PDF] Lack of diligence, lack of communication and misconduct prejudicial to the administration of justice.
7/22/2024 Board v. Amy L. Fairfield, Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand Probation Report of Findings and Order [PDF] Competence, diligence, meritorious claims and contentions, fairness to opposing party and counsel, and conduct prejudicial to the administration of justice
7/22/2024 Board v. Eliot R. Cutler Single Justice Disbarment Reciprocal Discipline Order [PDF] Conviction of Four Counts of Possession of Sexually Explicit Material of a Minor Under 12
7/17/2024 In re Michael L. Dubois, Esq. Single Justice Receiver Appointment Order [PDF] Order for Appointment of Limited Co-Receivers
6/21/2024 Board v. James P. Loring Single Justice Order of Surrender Order [PDF] Order Accepting Surrender of License
6/21/2024 In re Warren Poulin, Esq. Single Justice Receiver Appointment Order [PDF] Order for Appointment of Limited Co-Receivers
6/21/2024 Board v. Scott L. Fenstermaker Single Justice Suspension Order [PDF] Suspension
6/13/2024 In Re Receivership Of Vicki M. Mathews, Esq. Single Justice Receiver Discharge Order [PDF] Order for Discharge of Co-Receivers
5/23/2024 Board v. George Royle, V Single Justice Suspension Order [PDF] Conviction of Serious Crime
5/16/2024 In re Deborah Feagans, GAL Guardian ad Litem Review Board Reprimand Report of Findings and Order [PDF] Failure to file timely final written report, violation of court order, failure to file compliance report, failure to obtain court approval to exceed hours, failure to submit bills every ninety days.
5/16/2024 Board v. Donald J. Gasink, Esq. Single Justice Admonition Report of Findings and Order [PDF] Diligence, fairness to opposing party and counsel, misconduct and conduct prejudicial to the administration of justice.
5/14/2024 In re James P. Dunleavy, Esq. Single Justice Receiver Appointment Amended Order [PDF] Amended Order for Appointment of Receiver
5/10/2024 Board v. Dan P. Umphrey Single Justice Suspension Sanction Order [PDF] Diligence, Communication, Fees, Bar Admission and Disciplinary Matters and Misconduct.
5/7/2024 In re Kevin G. Grimes Single Justice Receiver Appointment Order [PDF] Order for Appointment of Co-Receivers
5/6/2024 In re Receivership John C. Hunt, Esq. Single Justice Receiver Discharge Order [PDF] Order for Discharge of Receiver
4/25/2024 Board v. Kevin G. Grimes Single Justice Suspension Sanction Order [PDF] Competence; diligence; communication; safekeeping property; candor towards the tribunal; bar admission and disciplinary matters; misconduct; conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit or misrepresentation; and conduct prejudicial to the administration of
4/25/2024 Board v. Scott L. Fenstermaker Single Justice Decision [PDF] Competence, conflict of interest, meritorious claims and contentions, lawyer as witness, respect for rights of third persons, judicial and legal officials, misconduct and conduct prejudicial to the administration of justice
4/22/2024 Stephen C. Packard, Esq. Single Justice Receiver Appointment Order [PDF] Appointment of Limited Receiver
4/8/2024 In re Vicki Mathews, Esq. Single Justice Receiver Appointment Order [PDF] Order for Appointment of Co-Receivers
3/18/2024 Board v. Matthew J. Martin Single Justice Reciprocal Discipline Disabililty Suspension [PDF] Reciprocal Discipline: Disability Suspension
3/13/2024 In re Petition for Reinstatement of Donna D. Vincenti Single Justice Reinstatement Approved Order [PDF] Order Granting Reinstatement
3/12/2024 In re Thomas P. Elias, Esq. Single Justice Receiver Appointment Amended Order [PDF] Amended Order for Appointment Limited Receiver
1/12/2024 Board v. David M. Zirschky, Esq. Grievance Commission Report of Findings and Order [PDF] Failure to report criminal conviction; Conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit or misrepresentation; Failure to respond to lawful demand for information; and conduct prejudicial to the administration of justice.
1/9/2024 Christopher J. Whalley Single Justice Receiver Discharge Order [PDF] Order for Discharge of Receiver
1/8/2024 In Re James P. Dunleavy, Esq. Single Justice Receiver Appointment Order [PDF] Order for Appointment of Receiver
1/3/2024 Karen M. Burke, Esq. Single Justice Receiver Appointment Amended Order [PDF] Amended Order for Appointment of Co-Receivers

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Date Respondent Issued By Order Disposition/Conduct
12/29/2023 In re William N. Ferm Single Justice Receiver Appointment Amended Order [PDF] Amended Order for Appointment of Receivers
12/28/2023 Daniel J. Quinn Single Justice Order of Surrender [PDF] Order Accepting Surrender of License
12/22/2023 Board v. Lawrence C. Winger, Esq. Grievance Commission Order for Monitoring Probation [PDF] Probation & Monitoring Order
12/22/2023 Board v. Lawrence C. Winger, Esq. Grievance Commission Amended Order Report of Findings and Order [PDF] Probation violation, competency, diligence, communication, knowingly disobeying an obligation under the rules of a tribunal, misconduct and conduct prejudicial to the administration of justice.
12/21/2023 In Re Valeriano Diviacchi Single Justice Reinstatement Denied Order Order Denying Reinstatement
12/2/2023 Robert Meggison, Esq. Single Justice Receiver Discharge Order [PDF] Order for Discharge of Receiver
10/30/2023 Board v. James G. Mitchell, Jr. Single Justice Order of Surrender [PDF] Order Accepting Surrender of License
10/27/2023 Board v. Daniel Goldsmith Ruggiero Single Justice Suspension Reciprocal Discipline Order [PDF] Competency, communication, fees, supervision of nonlawyer assistants, professional independence, communications concerning a lawyer's services, firm names and letterheads and misconduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit or misrepresentation
10/2/2023 In re Naira B. Soifer, GAL Guardian ad Litem Review Board Reprimand Report of Findings and Order [PDF] Failure to file Compliance Report, failure to file report in timely manner, violation of the rules or an appointment order and failure to diligently investigate or communicate
9/22/2023 In re Thomas F. Shehan, Jr. Esq. Single Justice Receiver Appointment Order [PDF] Order for Appointment of Receiver
9/7/2023 Board v. Jason R. Buckley Single Justice Suspension Order [PDF] CLE requirements and Conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit or misrepresentation
9/1/2023 Neil S. Shankman Single Justice Order of Surrender [PDF] Order Accepting Surrender of License
8/29/2023 Board v. Stephen Matthew Bander Single Justice Disbarment Reciprocal Discipline Order [PDF] Reciprocal Discipline; Disbarment
8/29/2023 In re Thomas P. Elias, Esq. Single Justice Receiver Appointment Amended Order [PDF] Amended Order for Appointment of Receiver
8/25/2023 In re Thomas P. Elias, Esq. Single Justice Receiver Appointment Order [PDF] Order for Appointment of Receiver
8/24/2023 Dan P. Umphrey Single Justice Suspension Order [PDF] Unauthorized Practice of Law; Conduct involving Dishonesty, Deceit and Misrepresentation and Interference with the Administration of Justice; and Failure to Respond to Lawful Request for Information
8/24/2023 Donald F. Brown, Esq. Law Court Decision Affirmed Suspended Suspension Reprimand/Monitoring Order [PDF] CLE requirements; Conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit or misrepresentation; Conflict of interest.
8/7/2023 In re Reinstatement of Kayla Alves Single Justice Reinstatement Approved Order [PDF] Order Approving Reinstatement
8/2/2023 Karen M. Burke, Esq. Single Justice Receiver Appointment Order [PDF] Order for Appointment of Co-Receivers
7/28/2023 In re Robert E. Meggison Single Justice Receiver Appointment [PDF] Order for Appointment of Receiver
7/25/2023 Board v. Vanessa A. Bartlett, Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand Report of Findings and Order [PDF] Reprimand: Competence, Diligence, Failure to Respond to Lawful Request for Information, Misconduct and Conduct Prejudicial to the Administration of Justice
7/14/2023 Board v. Melanie A. Allen, Esq. Grievance Commission Report of Findings and Order [PDF] Admonition: Competence, Diligence and Misconduct
6/20/2023 Seth T. Carey Law Court Decision Affirmed Reinstatement Denied [PDF] Judgment Affirmed - Denying Petition for Reinstatement
6/16/2023 Jason M. Jabar, Esq. Grievance Commission Dismissal Report of Findings and Order [PDF] Report of Findings and Order of the Grievance Commission
5/22/2023 Jeremy J. Bethel, Esq. Single Justice Receiver Discharge Order [PDF] Order for Discharge of Receiver
5/12/2023 In re William N. Ferm Single Justice Receiver Appointment Order [PDF] Order for Appointment of Receiver
5/11/2023 Board v. Lawrence C. Winger, Esq. Grievance Commission Order for Monitoring Probation Order [PDF] Probation & Monitoring Order
5/11/2023 Board v. Lawrence C. Winger, Esq. Grievance Commission Report of Findings and Order [PDF] Reprimand: Competence, diligence, communication and conduct prejudicial to the administration of justice.
4/11/2023 Peter J. Kaynor, Esq. Single Justice Receiver Discharge Order [PDF] Order for Discharge of Co-Receivers
4/10/2023 J. Mitchell Flick, Esq. Single Justice Order of Surrender [PDF] Order Accepting Surrender of License
4/3/2023 Arthur John Greif, Esq. Single Justice Receiver Discharge Order [PDF] Order to Discharge Receiver Appointed to Protect Clients' Interests
3/28/2023 Board v. Edward L. Dilworth III, Esq. Grievance Commission Report of Findings and Order [PDF] Admonition/Failure to provide timely written confirmation of fee sharing and failure to provide reasonably necessary communication.
3/17/2023 Scott L. Fenstermaker Single Justice Receiver Appointment Order [PDF] Order for Appointment of Receiver
3/17/2023 Board v. Scott L. Fenstermaker, Esq. Single Justice Order Immediate Interim Suspension [PDF] Unlawful Conduct and Conduct Prejudicial to the Administration of Justice.
3/10/2023 Jeremy J. Bethel, Esq. Single Justice Receiver Appointment Order Order for Appointment of Receiver
3/7/2023 Board v. Kevin G. Grimes, Esq. Grievance Commission Report of Findings and Order Competence, Diligence, Communication, Failure to Deliver and Safekeep Client Property, Knowingly Make a False Statement of Material Fact or Fail to Disclose a Fact Necessary to Correct a Misapprehension and Misconduct.
2/23/2023 Board v. David K. Fulton, Esq. Single Justice Reciprocal Discipline Order Suspension with Probation.
2/15/2023 In Re: Charlene A. Hoffman Single Justice Receiver Discharge Order [PDF] Receiver Discharge Order
1/31/2023 Edward G. Dardis Single Justice Receiver Appointment Order Order for Appointment of Receiver
1/31/2023 Board v. Edward G. Dardis, Esq. Single Justice Order Immediate Interim Suspension IOLTA account rule violations, failure to supervise nonlawyer assistant, failure to respond to a lawful demand for information, dishonest conduct and conduct prejudicial to the administration of justice.
1/25/2023 Board v. J. Mitchell Flick, Esq. Grievance Commission Report of Findings and Order Candor Towards the Tribunal; Conduct Involving Dishonesty, Fraud, Deceit or Misrepresentation; Conduct Prejudicial to the Administration of Justice and Knowingly Making a False Statement of Material Fact in Connection with a Disciplinary Matter.
1/5/2023 Board v. Thomas E. Dewhurst III, Esq. Single Justice Reciprocal Discipline Order Conflict of interest and communication with represented person.
1/2/2023 Board v. John A. Doonan, Esq. Single Justice Reciprocal Discipline Public Reprimand, negligent misuse of client funds.

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Date Respondent Issued By Order Disposition/Conduct
12/19/2022 Board v. Christopher J. Whalley Single Justice Disbarment Findings, Conclusions and Order Illegal Conduct; Diligence; Failure to Safekeep Property & Hold Funds Separate; Fraud; Deceit; Dishonesty; Knowingly Made False Statement of Material Fact; Conduct Prejudicial to Administration of Justice.
11/23/2022 Board v. Donald F. Brown, Esq. Single Justice Order Order on the Board's Motion for Clarification & Further Order
11/23/2022 Board v. Donald F. Brown, Esq. Single Justice Order for Monitoring Probation Order Probation & Monitoring Order
11/21/2022 Board v. Kayla M. Alves, Esq. Single Justice Amended Order Sanction Order Serious crime conviction, unlawful destroying potential evidence, criminal conduct, trustworthiness or fitness as a lawyer, conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit or misrepresentation and conduct prejudicial to the administration of justice.
11/16/2022 James F. Day, Esq. Single Justice Order of Surrender Order Accepting Surrender of License
11/15/2022 In Re Brian M. Connelly Board of Overseers of the Bar Order Reinstatement: Administrative Administrative Order of Reinstatement
11/15/2022 In Re Katherine D. Hambley Board of Overseers of the Bar Order Reinstatement: Administrative Administrative Order of Reinstatement
11/10/2022 Board v. Clifford M. Ginn Single Justice Order for Monitoring Probation Amended Order Order Amending Probation & Monitoring
11/1/2022 J. Daniel Hoffman Single Justice Order of Surrender Order Accepting Surrender of License
10/31/2022 Charlene A. Hoffman, Esq. Single Justice Receiver Appointment Order Order for Appointment of Receiver
10/27/2022 Nicolas Bull, Esq. Single Justice Receiver Discharge Order Order Granting Receiver Discharge
10/4/2022 Donald F. Brown, Esq. Single Justice Sanction Order CLE Reporting; Violating Rules of Professional Conduct; Engaging in Conduct involving Dishonesty, Fraud, Deceit or Misrepresentation; and Conflict of Interest.
10/4/2022 Pasquale J. Perrino, Jr., Esq. Grievance Commission Report of Findings and Order Sexual Relations with a Client
9/29/2022 J. Mitchell Flick, Esq. Grievance Commission Report of Findings and Order Business with a Client and Violating Rules of Professional Conduct.
9/26/2022 Reginal E. Burleigh Single Justice Receiver Discharge Order Order to Discharge Limited Receiver
9/22/2022 In Re Seth T. Carey Single Justice Reinstatement Denied Order Denying Petition for Reinstatement
9/14/2022 Michael J. Cianchette, Esq. Single Justice Sanction Order Truthfulness in Statements to Others; Conflict of Interest - Business Transaction with a Client
9/9/2022 James L. Audiffred, Esq. Single Justice Receiver Discharge Order Order for Discharge of Co-Receivers
9/8/2022 Peter J. Kaynor, Esq. Single Justice Receiver Appointment Amended Order Amended Order for Appointment of Receivers
9/7/2022 Susan C. Hopkins, Esq. Single Justice Receiver Appointment Order Order for Appointment of Receiver
9/7/2022 Peter J. Kaynor, Esq. Single Justice Receiver Appointment Order Order for Appointment of Receiver
9/2/2022 Wayne R. Reed Single Justice Reinstatement Order Order Permitting Board Of Overseers To Reinstate Attorney
8/31/2022 Donald F. Brown, Esq. Single Justice Findings, Conclusions and Order CLE Reporting; Violating Rules of Professional Conduct; Engaging in Conduct involving Dishonesty, Fraud, Deceit or Misrepresentation; and Conflict of Interest.
8/29/2022 Katherine D. Hambley Single Justice Reinstatement Order Order Permitting Board Of Overseers To Reinstate Attorney
8/22/2022 In Re Sarah J. Morath Board of Overseers of the Bar Order Reinstatement: Administrative Administrative Order of Reinstatemen
8/22/2022 Board v. Keri J. Marshall Single Justice Order of Surrender Order Accepting Surrender of License
8/3/2022 Gary M. Prolman Single Justice Receiver Discharge Order Order Granting Petition for Receiver Discharge
7/13/2022 In Re Sara J. Hooke, Esq. Board of Overseers of the Bar Order Reinstatement: Administrative Administrative Order of Reinstatement
6/30/2022 Sarah J. Hooke Single Justice Reinstatement Order Order Permitting Board Of Overseers To Reinstate Attorney
6/21/2022 John C. Hunt, Esq. Single Justice Receiver Appointment Order Order for Appointment of Receiver
6/17/2022 In Re Gary M. Prolman Single Justice Reinstatement Order Order of Reinstatement After Remand
6/14/2022 Daniel W. Mooers Single Justice Receiver Appointment Order Order Appointing Receiver
5/31/2022 Paul S. Bulger, Esq. Grievance Commission Report of Findings and Order Competence; Diligence; Failure to respond to Bar Counsel investigation; and Conduct Prejudicial to the administration of justice.
5/23/2022 In Re Heather B. Sanborn, Esq. Board of Overseers of the Bar Order Reinstatement: Administrative Administrative Order of Reinstatement
5/18/2022 Heather B. Sanborn Single Justice Order Order Permitting Board Of Overseers To Reinstate Attorney
5/12/2022 Matthew J. Martin, Esq. Single Justice Order Suspension
4/22/2022 Seth T. Carey Grievance Commission Report of Findings Report of Findings and Recommendations by Grievance Commission
4/14/2022 Gary M. Prolman Law Court Judgment vacated. Remanded for further proceedings consistent with this opinion. Remanded for further proceedings.
4/7/2022 In Re Jennifer A. Willis Board of Overseers of the Bar Order Reinstatement: Administrative Administrative Order of Reinstatement
4/4/2022 Jennifer Ann Willis Single Justice Order Order Permitting Board Of Overseers To Reinstate Attorney
4/4/2022 Roger Hurley, Esq. Single Justice Receiver Appointment Amended Order Amended Order for Appointment of Receivers
3/31/2022 Clifford M. Ginn Single Justice Sanction Order Safekeeping Property, Client Trust Accounts, False Statement of Material Fact and Conduct Prejudicial to the Administration of Justice.
3/30/2022 Clifford M. Ginn Single Justice Order for Monitoring Probation Order Probation & Monitoring Order
3/29/2022 Roger Hurley, Esq. Single Justice Receiver Appointment Order Order for Appointment of Receiver
3/3/2022 Michael J. Cianchette, Esq. Grievance Commission Report of Findings and Order Truthfulness in Statements to Others; Conflict of Interest - Business Transaction with a Client; Conflict of Interest - Dual Representation of Organization and Constituent.
3/2/2022 Jennifer A. Davis, Esq. Grievance Commission Report of Findings and Order Diligence; Communication; Conduct Prejudicial to the Administration of Justice.
2/24/2022 Board v. Eugene McLaughlin Jr., Esq. Single Justice Order of Surrender [PDF] Order Accepting Surrender of License
2/17/2022 Christopher J. Whalley Single Justice Receiver Appointment Immediate Interim Suspension [PDF] Misuse of client funds; Failure to respond to Bar Counsel investigation; Dishonesty
2/16/2022 Kevin G. Grimes, Esq. Grievance Commission Report of Findings and Order Communication, Truthfulness in Statements to Others, Candor Towards the Tribunal, Misconduct.
2/1/2022 Randy L. Robinson, Esq. Grievance Commission Report of Findings and Order Fairness to opposing party and counsel. Conduct prejudicial to the administration of justice.
1/6/2022 In Re Alyson L. Roberts Single Justice Reinstatement Order Order of Reinstatement

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Date Respondent Issued By Order Disposition/Conduct
12/28/2021 In Re Peter J. Richard, Jr. Single Justice Reinstatement Order Order of Reinstatement
12/6/2021 Reginald E. Burleigh Single Justice Receiver Appointment Order Order Appointing Limited Receiver
12/6/2021 In Re Ragnar R. Huffman aka Ronald E. Hoffman Single Justice Reinstatement Order Order of Reinstatement
12/2/2021 James L. Audiffred, Esq. Single Justice Receiver Appointment Order Order for Appointment of Co-Receivers
10/29/2021 Stephen J. Link, Esq. Single Justice Sanction Order Competence, diligence, communication, unreasonable fee and conduct involving dishonesty.
9/9/2021 Richard L. Rhoda, Esq. Single Justice Order Communication, confidentiality of information, and misconduct.
8/24/2021 In Re Clarence H. Spurling, Esq. Single Justice Receiver Discharge Order [PDF] Discharge of Receivers
7/26/2021 In Re Gary M. Prolman Single Justice Reinstatement Order Decision Under Appeal
7/21/2021 Eugene McLaughlin, Jr., Esq. Single Justice Order Default
6/21/2021 Dana F. Strout Single Justice Order of Surrender Surrender
6/16/2021 Gary M. Prolman Single Justice Order Decision Under Appeal
5/28/2021 Clarence H. Spurling Single Justice Order of Surrender Surrender
4/28/2021 Elmer E. Runyon Single Justice Receiver Discharge Order Order to Discharge Limited Receiver
4/2/2021 Christopher J. Whalley Single Justice Suspension/Monitoring Order Candor toward the Tribunal. Truthfulness in statements to others.
3/25/2021 In Re Michael P. Kenney Single Justice Reinstatement Order Order of Reinstatement
3/23/2021 Charles T. Ferris, Esq. Grievance Commission Report of Findings and Order Conflict of Interest, Former Client
3/19/2021 Lawrence A. Lunn, Esq. Single Justice Suspension Interim Order Interim Order of Suspension
3/10/2021 Gary M. Prolman Grievance Commission Reinstatement Not Recommended Findings and Conclusions Reinstatement Not Recommended - Findings and Conclusions
2/23/2021 Seth T. Carey Single Justice Order Confidentiality, Safekeeping property, Meritorious claims, Fairness to opposing party and counsel, Conduct prejudicial to the administration of justice.
2/8/2021 Clifford M. Ginn Single Justice Consent Order Immediate Interim Suspension Consent Order of Interim Suspension
1/7/2021 Richard L. Rhoda, Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand Communication, Confidentiality, Prejudicial Conduct

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Date Respondent Issued By Order Disposition/Conduct
12/18/2020 Charles T. Ferris, Esq. Grievance Commission Order Rejection of Stipulated Report
11/19/2020 Thomas S. Carey, Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand Confidentiality of Information; Safekeeping Property, Client Trust Accounts, Interest on Trust Accounts; Misconduct
11/19/2020 Daniel T. Rush, Esq. Single Justice Receiver Appointment Receiver Appointment
11/16/2020 Christopher W. Keenan, Esq. Single Justice Reciprocal Discipline Public Reprimand
11/9/2020 Jeffrey C. Toothaker, Esq Grievance Commission Admonition Safekeeping Property
11/2/2020 Kristina B. Reeves Single Justice Reciprocal Discipline Public Reprimand
10/29/2020 Paul R. Dionne, Esq. Grievance Commission Admonition Supervision Diligence, Conduct Prejudicial to the Administration of Justice
10/29/2020 Stephen J. Link, Esq. Single Justice Report Finding of Probable Cause for Filing of Information with the Court Report: Finding of Probable Cause for Filing of an Information
10/28/2020 J.D. Hoffman, Esq. Grievance Commission Order Rejection of Stipulated Report
10/22/2020 Peter Whittington Drum, Esq. Grievance Commission Admonition Diligence
10/13/2020 In Re Joan Friedman Cohen Single Justice Reinstatement: Administrative Reinstatement Administrative
9/15/2020 Clarence H. Spurling Single Justice Receiver Appointment Receiver Appointment
9/9/2020 Clarence H. Spurling Single Justice Amended Order of Immediate Interim Suspension See September 4, 2020 Order of Immediate Interim Suspension
9/4/2020 Clarence H. Spurling Single Justice Immediate Interim Suspension Conflict of Interest; Disciplinary Matters; Conduct Prejudicial to the Administration of Justice; Sexual Harassment
9/2/2020 Nicholas Bull, Esq. Single Justice Receiver Appointment Receiver Appointment
8/27/2020 In Re Thomas Faiella Single Justice Reinstatement: Administrative Reinstatement: Administrative
8/18/2020 Anthony P. Shusta, II Single Justice Receiver Discharge Order Receiver Discharge Order
7/9/2020 Jonathan C. Hull Single Justice Receiver Discharge Order Receiver Discharge Order
6/10/2020 Jonathan C. Hull Single Justice Disbarment Conflict of Interest, Truthfulness in Statements to Others, Misconduct, illegal conduct, fraud, deceit or dishonesty, Diligence, Conduct Prejudicial to the Administration of Justice, Fees
4/27/2020 Robert M.A. Nadeau Single Justice Order Reinstatement Petition Denied
4/6/2020 Richard L. Rhoda, Esq. Grievance Commission Order Rejection of Stipulated Report
4/1/2020 Steven A. Juskewitch, Esq. Grievance Commission Admonition Probation Communication, Conduct Prejudicial to the Administration of Justice
2/14/2020 Robert M.A. Nadeau Grievance Commission Reinstatement Not Recommended Reinstatement Not Recommended

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Date Respondent Issued By Order Disposition/Conduct
12/23/2019 In Re Elizabeth L. Bancroft Single Justice Reinstatement: Administrative Reinstatement: Administrative
12/19/2019 John M. Whalen, Esq. Single Justice Receiver Discharge Order Receiver Discharge Order
12/18/2019 Christopher J. Whalley, Esq. Grievance Commission Report Finding of Probable Cause for Filing of Information with the Court Report Finding of Probable Cause for Filing of Information with the Court
12/16/2019 Gene R. Libby, Esq. Single Justice Order Dismissal Decision Affirmed

See February 7, 2019 Report of Findings and Order

12/16/2019 James F. Daily III Grievance Commission Reprimand Registration, Bar Admission and Disciplinary Matters, Violate of Attempt to Violate any provision of the MBR or MRPC, Prejudicial Conduct
12/16/2019 Daniel P. McIntyre Grievance Commission Reprimand Registration, Bar Admission and Disciplinary Matters, Violate of Attempt to Violate any provision of the MBR or MRPC, Prejudicial Conduct
12/16/2019 Hal A. Berman Grievance Commission Reprimand Registration, Bar Admission and Disciplinary Matters, Violate of Attempt to Violate any provision of the MBR or MRPC, Prejudicial Conduct
12/12/2019 J. D. Hoffman, Esq. Grievance Commission Order Rejection of Stipulated Report
11/25/2019 Nicole L. Gray, Esq. Grievance Commission Admonition Safekeeping Property
11/25/2019 Thomas J. Poulin, Jr. Grievance Commission Admonition Registration, Bar Admission and Disciplinary Matters, Violate or attempt to violate any provision of the MRPC or Maine Bar Rules
11/18/2019 Suzanne Dwyer-Jones, Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand Communication, Prejudicial Conduct
11/8/2019 Heidi M. Pushard (Drew), Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand Diligence, Communication, Prejudicial Conduct
9/20/2019 Lawrence A. Lunn, Esq. Grievance Commission Report Finding of Probable Cause for Filing of Information with the Court Report Finding of Probable Cause for Filing of Information with the Court
9/18/2019 Gary M. Prolman, Esq. Single Justice Receiver Appointment Receiver Appointment
9/4/2019 Anthony P. Shusta II, Esq. Single Justice Receiver Appointment Receiver Appointment
8/15/2019 Seth T. Carey Law Court Decision Affirmed See December 20, 2018 Suspension
7/22/2019 Gary M. Prolman Single Justice Order See July 8, 2019 Sanctions Order
7/9/2019 Robert C. Robbins, IV Single Justice Receiver Discharge Order Receiver Discharge Order
7/8/2019 Gary M. Prolman, Esq. Single Justice Sanction Order See September 14, 2017 Findings, Conclusions & Order
6/19/2019 Joseph R. Sanchez Single Justice Suspension See June 10, 2019 Stipulated Report of Findings and Order
6/13/2019 James M. Whittemore Single Justice Receiver Discharge Order Receiver Discharge Order
6/11/2019 Jeffrey P. White Law Court Decision Affirmed Judgment on Appeal
6/10/2019 Joseph R. Sanchez Grievance Commission Recommended Suspension

Diligence; Communication; Responsibilities regarding nonlawyer assistants
See June 19, 2019 Stipulated Order of Suspension.

5/28/2019 In Re Joanne Dugan Colvin Single Justice Reinstatement: Administrative Reinstatement: Administrative
5/20/2019 Maeghan Maloney, Esq. Grievance Commission Admonition Communication; Conduct Prejudicial to the Administration of Justice
5/10/2019 Mary B. Devine, Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand Diligence, Communication, Conduct prejudicial to the administration of justice
5/8/2019 William B. Gillespie Single Justice Receiver Discharge Order Receiver Discharge Order
4/17/2019 Matthew J. Miller Single Justice Disbarment Commit a criminal or unlawful act that reflects on the lawyer's honesty, trustworthiness or fitness; Engage in conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit or misrepresentation; Conduct prejudicial to the administration of justice
4/12/2019 Richard A. Lord Single Justice Receiver Discharge Order Receiver Discharge Order
4/8/2019 Anthony J. Sineni III, Esq. Single Justice Sanction Order See February 19, 2019 Suspended Suspension Order
3/26/2019 Eugene J. McLaughlin Jr., Esq. Single Justice Suspended Suspension/Monitoring Rules 1.1 (Competence); 1.8(a) (Conflict of Interest); 1.8(1) (Conflict of interest); 3.3(a) (Candor); Rules 8.1 (Statements In disciplinary matters); 8.4(a), (b), (c), and (d) (Misconduct)
2/19/2019 Anthony J. Sineni III, Esq. Single Justice Suspended Suspension Competence, Scope of Representation, Diligence, Communication, Fees, Confidentiality, Conflicts, Former Clients, Trust accounts,safeguarding client property, Withdrawal, Expediting litigation, Candor, Fairness, Disciplinary matter, Misconduct
2/14/2019 In Re David P. Littell Single Justice Reinstatement: Administrative Reinstatement: Administrative
2/14/2019 Edwin R. Jonas III Law Court Decision Affirmed Reinstatement Petition Denied
2/12/2019 Paul L. Letourneau Single Justice Receiver Discharge Order Receiver Discharge Order
2/7/2019 Gene R. Libby, Esq. Grievance Commission Dismissal None
2/4/2019 Robert C. Robbins IV Single Justice Disabililty Suspension Disability Suspension
2/1/2019 William C. Leonard, Esq. Single Justice Reprimand Reciprocal Discipline
1/25/2019 Ralph M. Clark Single Justice Receiver Discharge Order Receiver Discharge Order
1/18/2019 Richard A. Lord, Esq. Single Justice Receiver Appointment Receiver Appointment
1/4/2019 In Re Denise J. Dion Goodwin Single Justice Reinstatement: Administrative Reinstatement: Administrative
1/3/2019 Eugene McLaughlin, Jr. Single Justice Findings and Conclusions Competence, Conflict of Interest, Candor to Tribunals, Statements in Disciplinary Matters, Misconduct

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Date Respondent Issued By Order Disposition/Conduct
12/20/2018 Seth T. Carey Single Justice Suspension Knowingly disobey an obligation under the rules of a tribunal, Commit a criminal or unlawful act that reflects adversely on the lawyer’s honesty, trustworthiness or fitness as a lawyer
12/18/2018 Scott G. Adams, Esq. Law Court Decision Affirmed Reprimand Decision Affirmed
12/18/2018 John H. Branson, Esq. Single Justice Receiver Discharge Order Disability Suspension Terminated Reinstatement from Disability Suspension
12/12/2018 April M. Luna Grievance Commission Reprimand Registration, Bar Admission and Disciplinary Matters, Violate or attempt to Violate any provision of the MBR or the MRPC, Conduct Prejudicial to the Administration of Justice
12/10/2018 Robert J. Stolt, Esq. Single Justice Receiver Discharge Order Receiver Discharge Order
12/6/2018 William B. Gillespie Single Justice Receiver Appointment Receiver Appointment
12/6/2018 William B. Gillespie Single Justice Order of Surrender Order of Surrender
11/30/2018 Clifford B. Strike, Esq. Single Justice Admonition Communication
11/30/2018 James M. Whittemore Single Justice Disbarment Competence, Scope of Representation, Diligence, Communication, Fees, General misconduct; Illegal conduct; Deceit/dishonesty; and Conduct Prejudicial to the Administration of Justice
11/29/2018 Christopher G. Limberis, Esq. Single Justice Receiver Discharge Order Receiver Discharge Order
11/27/2018 Glen Niemy Grievance Commission Admonition Registration, Violate or attempt to violate any provision of the MBR or the MRPC
11/27/2018 Jackie T. DiGiacomo, Esq. Board of Overseers of the Bar Admonition Responsibilities Regarding Non-Lawyer Assistants, Conduct Prejudicial to the Administration of Justice
11/7/2018 In Re Jamie I. Bullingham Single Justice Reinstatement: Administrative Reinstatement: Administrative
10/22/2018 Jeffrey P. White, Esq. Single Justice Amended Order Order on Motion to Amend Judgment
10/11/2018 Jeffrey P. White, Esq. Single Justice Amended Order Amended Order
10/10/2018 Jeffrey P. White, Esq. Single Justice Reprimand Suspension Suspension Amended per Order of 10/22/18 Order on Motion to Amend Judgment

Dilatory Conduct in Representation, Communication, Safekeeping and Return

9/27/2018 John H. Branson, Esq. Single Justice Receiver Appointment Receiver Appointment
9/27/2018 John H. Branson, Esq. Single Justice Disabililty Suspension Order of Disability Suspension
9/26/2018 Ralph M. Clark Single Justice Receiver Appointment Receiver Appointment
9/24/2018 In Re Christopher R. Drury Single Justice Reinstatement: Administrative Reinstatement: Administrative
9/21/2018 Seth T. Carey Single Justice Findings, Conclusions and Order Order Sanctions Hearing to be Scheduled
9/6/2018 Robert C. Robbins IV, Esq. Single Justice Receiver Appointment Receiver Appointment
8/28/2018 Gary M. Prolman, Esq. Law Court Judgment vacated. Remanded for further proceedings consistent with this opinion. Remanded for further Proceedings
8/23/2018 Jonathan C. Hull Single Justice Receiver Appointment Receiver Appointment
8/23/2018 Jonathan C. Hull Single Justice Immediate Interim Suspension Conflict of Interest: Current Clients; False Statement to a third party, Misconduct; Truthfulness in Statements to Others; Misconduct: Violation of MBR or MRPC, Illegal Conduct, Dishonest Conduct, Conduct Prejudicial to the Administration of Justice
8/13/2018 Melissa Coulombe Lalumiere, Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand Communications With Person Represented by Counsel and Limited Representation
8/7/2018 James M. Whittemore Single Justice Receiver Appointment Receiver Appointment
8/7/2018 James M. Whittemore Single Justice Immediate Interim Suspension Competenence; Diligence; Communication; Fees; Conflict-of-Interest: Current Clients; Safekeeping Property, Client Trust Accounts, Interest on Trust Accounts; Candor Toward the Tribunal; Misconduct; Registration
7/30/2018 Jeffrey P. White, Esq. Single Justice Findings, Conclusions and Order Sanctions hearing to be scheduled.
7/17/2018 Robert J. Stolt, Esq. Single Justice Receiver Appointment Receiver Appointment
7/9/2018 Robert M. Neault, Esq. Single Justice Receiver Discharge Order Receiver Discharge Order
7/2/2018 Louise A. Klaila Single Justice Suspension Reciprocal Discipline
6/21/2018 Edwin R. Jonas III Single Justice Judgment After Remand Reinstatement Petition Denied
6/18/2018 In Re Patti R. Davis Single Justice Reinstatement: Administrative Reinstatement: Administrative
6/8/2018 Daniel L. Lacasse, Esq. Single Justice Receiver Discharge Order Receiver Discharge Order
6/8/2018 Joseph R. Sanchez Grievance Commission Order Rejection of Stipulated Report
6/7/2018 Mark L. Walker, Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand Competence, Diligence, Communication
5/31/2018 Anthony P. Shusta II, Esq. Single Justice Reprimand Single Justice Affirmed Decision [Decision modified after review]
5/25/2018 Kimberly C. Cavanagh, Esq. Grievance Commission Admonition Diligence, Proper Communication, Conduct prejudicial to the administration of justice
5/23/2018 Jon P. Plourde, Esq. Single Justice Order for Monitoring Monitoring Order
5/11/2018 Timothy M. Vogel, Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand Promptly reply to Reasonable requests for Information
5/9/2018 Mary B. Devine, Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand Diligence, Communication, Conduct Prejudicial to the Administration of Justice
5/9/2018 Jennifer A. Davis, Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand Diligence, Communication, Conduct Prejudicial to the Administration of Justice
5/9/2018 William S. Maddox, Esq. Grievance Commission Admonition Diligence, Communication
5/9/2018 William B. Gillespie, Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand Diligence, Communication, Failure to return Client's Property, Declining or Terminating Representation, Conduct Prejudicial to the Administration of Justice
5/4/2018 Seth T. Carey Single Justice Receiver Appointment Receiver Appointment
5/4/2018 Seth T. Carey Single Justice Order Order
4/30/2018 Seth T. Carey Single Justice Immediate Interim Suspension Prohibiting Unlawful Conduct, Conduct Prejudicial to the Administration of Justice
4/10/2018 Matthew W. Howell, Esq. Grievance Commission Admonition Fairness to Opposing Party and Counsel, Misrepresentations, Conduct Prejudicial to the Administration of Justice
4/3/2018 William L. Dawson, Jr. Single Justice Receiver Discharge Order Receiver Discharge Order
3/29/2018 Scott G. Adams, Esq. Single Justice Order Reprimand Decision Affirmed
3/23/2018 Paul L. Letourneau Single Justice Order for Monitoring Monitoring Order
3/1/2018 Matthew J. Miller Single Justice Immediate Interim Suspension Immediate Interim Suspension
2/16/2018 Eugene McLaughlin, Jr., Esq. Grievance Commission Report Finding of Probable Cause for Filing of Information with the Court Competence, Conflict of Interest: Current Clients, Knowingly Disobey an obligation under the Rules of a Tribunal, Respect for Rights of Third Persons; Inadvertent Disclosures, Knowingly make a false statement of material fact, Misconduct
2/15/2018 Christopher G. Limberis Single Justice Receiver Appointment Receiver Appointment
2/1/2018 Jon P. Plourde, Esq. Single Justice Suspended Suspension/Monitoring Diligence, Communication, Candor Toward the Tribunal, Fairness to Opposing Party and Counsel, Misconduct, Dishonesty, Conduct Prejudicial to the Administration of Justice
1/25/2018 Paul L. Letourneau Single Justice Suspension Conflict of Personal Interest, Declining or Terminating Representation, Conduct Prejudicial to the Administration of Justice
1/24/2018 Harold H. Burbank II Single Justice Suspension Competence, Diligence, Meritorious Claims and Contentions, Fairness to Opposing Party and Counsel, Violate or attempt to violate any provision of the Maine Bar Rules or the MRPC, Conduct Prejudicial to the Administration of Justice
1/10/2018 Ernest L. Manderson, Esq. Single Justice Receiver Discharge Order Receiver Discharge Order
1/10/2018 Lawrence A. Lunn, Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand Diligence, Communication, Declining or Terminating Representation, Conduct Prejudicial to the Administration of Justice
1/5/2018 Barry L. Pretzel, Esq. Single Justice Receiver Discharge Order Receiver Discharge Order

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Date Respondent Issued By Order Disposition/Conduct
12/11/2017 Frank B. Walker Single Justice Receiver Discharge Order Receiver Discharge Order
12/11/2017 Douglas B. Chapman, Esq. Single Justice Receiver Discharge Order Receiver Discharge Order
11/21/2017 Timothy C. Coughlin, Esq. Single Justice Reprimand Reciprocal Discipline
11/21/2017 Jeremey A. Miller Single Justice Disbarment Reciprocal Discipline
11/13/2017 In Re Richard C. Anderson Single Justice Reinstatement: Administrative Reinstatement: Administrative
10/31/2017 Anthony A. Trask, Esq. Grievance Commission Admonition Diligence, Communication with Client
10/13/2017 Christopher W. Keenan, Esq. Single Justice Reprimand Reciprocal Discipline
10/13/2017 Matthew E. Campbell, Esq. Grievance Commission Admonition Competence, Diligence, Responsibilities regarding Nonlawyer Assistants
9/29/2017 Erielle L. Dexter Grievance Commission Reprimand Registration, Bar Admission and Disciplinary Matters, Violate or Attempt to Violate the MRPC or the Maine Bar Rules,Conduct Prejudicial to the Administration of Justice
9/29/2017 Andrew L. Broaddus, Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand Competence, Diligence, Communication, Misconduct
9/14/2017 Gary M. Prolman Single Justice Suspension

Suspension Vacated per Order of 8/28/18 Order on Appeal

Conflict of Interest: Current Clients, Advisor, Violate of Attempt to Violate the Maine Rules of Professional Conduct or the Mai

9/13/2017 James R. McDaniel II, Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand Diligence, Communication, Excessive Fee
9/13/2017 Jeffrey P. White, Esq. Grievance Commission Order Rejection of Stipulated Report
9/11/2017 Ernest L. Manderson, Esq. Single Justice Receiver Appointment Receiver Appointment
9/8/2017 Anthony P. Shusta II, Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand Probation

Probation vacated by Order of 5/31/18 Order on Petition for Review

Candor Toward the Tribunal, Dealing with Unrepresented Person, Misconduct

9/7/2017 Robert M.A. Nadeau Law Court Final Order on Motion for Reconsideration Motion for Reconsideration Denied
9/5/2017 Richard L. Currier, Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand Threatening Prosecution, Conduct Prejudicial to the Administration of Justice
9/5/2017 Eugene McLaughlin, Jr., Esq. Grievance Commission Order Rejection of Stipulated Report
9/1/2017 John M. Whalen, Esq. Single Justice Receiver Appointment Receiver Appointment
8/28/2017 Frank B. Walker Single Justice Receiver Appointment Receiver Appointment
8/18/2017 Douglas B. Chapman, Esq. Single Justice Receiver Appointment Receiver Discharge Order Receiver Appointment/Receiver Discharge Order
8/7/2017 In Re Joan Maureen Sutton Dollarhite Single Justice Reinstatement: Administrative Reinstatement: Administrative
7/27/2017 Alan D. Graves, Esq. Single Justice Receiver Discharge Order Receiver Discharge Order
7/25/2017 Basil L. Kellis, Esq. Single Justice Receiver Discharge Order Receiver Discharge Order
7/17/2017 Edwin R. Jonas III Single Justice Conference Order In Re: Petition for Reinstatement to the Maine Bar
7/6/2017 Robert M.A. Nadeau Single Justice Order Order of Suspension Stayed through September 15, 2017
6/30/2017 Richard W. Salewski, Esq. Single Justice Receiver Discharge Order Receiver Discharge Order
6/26/2017 Scott G. Adams, Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand Respect for Rights of Third Persons; Inadvertent Disclosures, Conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit or misrepresentation, Conduct Prejudicial to the Administration of Justice
6/20/2017 Robert M.A. Nadeau Law Court Suspension Suspension
6/19/2017 In Re Lynn M. Lizotte Townsend Single Justice Reinstatement: Administrative Reinstatement: Administrative
6/8/2017 Seth T. Carey, Esq. Single Justice Amended Order Order amending paragraph #18 of 11/21/16 Court Order
6/8/2017 Edwin R. Jonas III Law Court Judgment vacated. Remanded for further proceedings consistent with this opinion. Petition of Edwin R. Jonas III for Reinstatement to the Bar of the State of Maine
6/6/2017 Edwin R. Jonas III Law Court Final Order on Motion for Reconsideration Final Order on Motion for Reconsideration
6/2/2017 Harold H. Burbank II Grievance Commission Report Finding of Probable Cause for Filing of Information with the Court Report Finding of Probable Cause for Filing of Information with the Court
5/19/2017 Barry L. Pretzel, Esq. Single Justice Receiver Appointment Receiver Appointment
5/18/2017 John E. Harrington, Jr. Single Justice Receiver Appointment Receiver Appointment
5/5/2017 John D. Bunker, Esq. Grievance Commission Admonition Diligence, Conflict of Interest: Current Clients, Imputation of Conflict of Interests
5/3/2017 Robert M. Napolitano, Esq. Grievance Commission Order Amended Order of Stipulated Report of Findings and Probation and Mandate
4/21/2017 In Re Claire Adami Ginder Single Justice Reinstatement: Administrative Reinstatement: Administrative
4/14/2017 Christopher D. Hardy, Esq. Single Justice Receiver Discharge Order Receiver Discharge Order
4/14/2017 Daniel G. Lilley, Esq. Single Justice Order Order of Clarification
3/27/2017 George B. Hefferan, Jr., Esq. Single Justice Receiver Discharge Order Receiver Discharge Order
3/16/2017 Edwin R. Jonas III Law Court Decision Affirmed Appeal of the Petition for Reinstatement to the Maine Bar denied by the Law Court
3/15/2017 Daniel G. Lilley, Esq. Single Justice Receiver Appointment Receiver Appointment
3/10/2017 Jeremey A. Miller Single Justice Suspension Reciprocal Discipline
3/1/2017 Daniel L. Lacasse, Esq. Single Justice Receiver Appointment Receiver Appointment
2/28/2017 Anthony P. Shusta II, Esq. Grievance Commission Order Rejection of Stipulated Report
2/27/2017 Eliot Field, Esq. Single Justice Receiver Appointment Receiver Appointment
1/30/2017 Aaron Fethke, Esq. Single Justice Suspended Suspension Misconduct
1/19/2017 In Re Teresa A. Curtin Single Justice Reinstatement: Administrative Reinstatement
1/18/2017 Valeriano Diviacchi Single Justice Suspension Reciprocal Discipline
1/12/2017 In Re Darla J. Mondou Single Justice Reinstatement: Administrative Reinstatement: Administrative

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Date Respondent Issued By Order Disposition/Conduct
12/30/2016 Janet C. McCaa, Esq. Single Justice Receiver Discharge Order Receiver Discharge Order
12/27/2016 David M. Blumenthal Single Justice Suspension Safekeeping Property, Client Trust Accounts, Interest on Trust Accounts; Responsibilities Regarding Nonlawyer Assistants; Misconduct
12/27/2016 Stanley E. Sproul Single Justice Receiver Discharge Order Receiver Discharge Order
12/27/2016 In Re Ernest J. Babcock Single Justice Reinstatement: Administrative Reinstatement
12/19/2016 Darrick X. Banda, Esq. Grievance Commission Admonition Dealing with Unrepresented Person
12/2/2016 In Re Emily Drake Dickinson Single Justice Reinstatement: Administrative Reinstatement
12/1/2016 Diane M. Edgecomb, Esq. Single Justice Receiver Discharge Order Receiver Discharge Order
12/1/2016 Peter T. Dawson, Esq. Single Justice Receiver Discharge Order Receiver Discharge Order
12/1/2016 Jay H. Otis Single Justice Receiver Discharge Order Receiver Discharge Order
12/1/2016 In Re Andrews Bruce Campbell, Esq. United States District Court - District of Maine Reinstatement Denied Reinstatement Denied
11/21/2016 Seth T. Carey, Esq. Single Justice Order Order superseding 2/2/2016 Report of Findings and Order

Sanction: Suspended Suspension with Conditions
Violations: M.R.P.C. 1.1, 1.3, 3.3(a)(3), (b), & 8.4(a), (d)

11/16/2016 In Re Martha D. Kelley Single Justice Reinstatement: Administrative Reinstatement
11/10/2016 In Re Elizabeth M. Brogan Single Justice Reinstatement: Administrative Reinstatement
11/10/2016 Anthony P. Shusta II, Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand Communication, Responsibilities Regarding Nonlawyer Assistants, Bar Admission and Disciplinary Matters
10/31/2016 John S. Jerabek, Esq. Single Justice Receiver Discharge Order Receiver Discharge Order
10/24/2016 Christopher D. Hardy, Esq. Single Justice Receiver Appointment Receiver Appointment
10/19/2016 Colleen A. Mathews Grievance Commission Admonition Registration, Bar Admission and Disciplinary Matters, Violate or Attempt to Violate any provision of the MRPC or the MBR, Conduct Prejudicial to the Administration of Justice
10/19/2016 Sarah E. Desormiers Grievance Commission Admonition Registration, Bar Admission and Disciplinary Matters, Violate or Attempt to Violate any provision of the MRPC or the MBR, Conduct Prejudicial to the Administration of Justice
10/19/2016 Michael R. Brooks Grievance Commission Admonition Registration, Bar Admission and Disciplinary Matters, Violate or Attempt to Violate any provision of the MRPC or the MBR, Conduct Prejudicial to the Administration of Justice
10/13/2016 Erika L. Frank, Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand Meritorious Claims and Contentions, Conduct Prejudicial to the Administration of Justice
10/13/2016 Richard A. Foley, Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand Fees, Conflict-of-Interest: Current Clients
9/8/2016 Adam B. Zimmerman Grievance Commission Reprimand Registration, Bar Admission and Disciplinary Matters, Violate of Attempt to Violate and provision of the MRPC or the MBR, Conduct Prejudicial to the Administration of Justice
9/8/2016 Alyson L. Peverly Grievance Commission Reprimand Registration, Bar Admission and Disciplinary Matters, Violate of Attempt to Violate and provision of the MRPC or the MBR, Conduct Prejudicial to the Administration of Justice
9/8/2016 Jeremey A. Miller Grievance Commission Reprimand Registration, Bar Admission and Disciplinary Matters, Violate of Attempt to Violate and provision of the MRPC or the MBR, Conduct Prejudicial to the Administration of Justice
9/8/2016 Jeffrey S. Hamm Grievance Commission Reprimand Registration, Bar Admission and Disciplinary Matters, Violate of Attempt to Violate and provision of the MRPC or the MBR, Conduct Prejudicial to the Administration of Justice
9/8/2016 Carl G. Buzawa Grievance Commission Reprimand Registration, Bar Admission and Disciplinary Matters, Violate of Attempt to Violate and provision of the MRPC or the MBR, Conduct Prejudicial to the Administration of Justice
8/30/2016 Anita M. Volpe, Esq. Single Justice Order of Surrender Order of Surrender
8/30/2016 Randy L. Robinson, Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand Competence, Candor Toward the Tribunal, Fairness to Opposing Party and Counsel, Truthfulness in Statements to Others, Misconduct
8/25/2016 Peter J. Richard, Jr. Grievance Commission Admonition Registration, Bar Admission and Disciplinary Matters, Misconduct
8/25/2016 Robert M. Napolitano, Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand Probation Competence, Diligence, Communication with Client, Conduct Prejudicial to the Administration of Justice
8/10/2016 Douglas B. Chapman, Esq. Single Justice Receiver Appointment Receiver Appointment
8/8/2016 Marilyn E. Stavros, Esq. Single Justice Receiver Discharge Order Receiver Discharge Order
8/5/2016 Paul L. Letourneau Single Justice Receiver Appointment Receiver Appointment
8/2/2016 In Re Shawn R. Megathlin Single Justice Reinstatement: Administrative Reinstatement
8/1/2016 William L. Dawson, Jr. Single Justice Disbarment Disbarment
7/27/2016 Paul L. Letourneau, Esq. Single Justice Immediate Interim Suspension Conflict-of-Interest: Current Clients, Declining or Terminating Representation, Misconduct
6/30/2016 Timothy M. Concannon Single Justice Receiver Discharge Order Receiver Discharge Order
6/29/2016 Kathleen M. Grover, Esq. Grievance Commission Admonition Communication
6/22/2016 George B. Hefferan, Jr., Esq. Single Justice Receiver Appointment Receiver Appointment
6/22/2016 Janet C. McCaa, Esq. Single Justice Receiver Appointment Receiver Appointment
6/17/2016 Beth Alison Maloney, Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand Meritorious Claims and Contentions, Fairness to Opposing Party and Counsel, Conduct Prejudicial to the Administration of Justice
6/13/2016 Donald F. Brown, Esq. Single Justice Order Grievance Commission Panel Judgment Affirmed
6/3/2016 Gary M. Prolman Single Justice Receiver Discharge Order Receiver Discharge Order
5/27/2016 Cynthia J. Dresden, Esq. Single Justice Receiver Discharge Order Receiver Discharge Order
5/18/2016 Seth T. Carey, Esq. Single Justice Order Order directing Bar Counsel to file Information with the Court
5/9/2016 William L. Dawson, Jr. Single Justice Receiver Appointment Receiver Appointment
4/25/2016 Dale L. Lavi, Esq. Single Justice Suspended Suspension Probation Competence, Diligence, Communication, Fees, Safekeeping property, Client Trust Accounts, Interest of Trust Accounts, Declining or Terminating Representation, Bar Admission and Disciplinary Matters, Misconduct
4/15/2016 In Re Elizabeth Walsh Baldacci Single Justice Reinstatement: Administrative Reinstatement: Administrative
4/14/2016 David E. Hunt, Esq. Single Justice Receiver Discharge Order Receiver Discharge Order
4/13/2016 Dale F. Thistle Single Justice Receiver Discharge Order Receiver Discharge Order
4/8/2016 Peter Todd Travis, Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand Competence, Scope of Representation, Diligence, Communication, Fees, Safekeeping Property, Declining or Terminating Representation
4/1/2016 Lawrence C. Winger United States District Court - District of Maine Resignation Resignation
3/29/2016 Torrey Sylvester Single Justice Modified Order of Surrender Modified Order of Surrender
3/22/2016 John S. Jerabek, Esq. Single Justice Receiver Appointment Receiver Appointment
3/7/2016 Gary M. Prolman Single Justice Findings, Conclusions and Order Suspension: Commit a criminal or unlawful act that reflects adversely on the lawyer?s honesty, trustworthiness or fitness as a lawyer in other respects
3/7/2016 Seth T. Carey, Esq. Single Justice Interim Order Interim Order staying Grievance Commission?s 2/2/2016 Report of Findings and Order
2/26/2016 Beth Alison Maloney, Esq. Grievance Commission Decision & Amended Order Rejection of Stipulated Sanctions
2/25/2016 Torrey Sylvester Single Justice Order of Surrender Order of Surrender
2/22/2016 Stanley E. Sproul Single Justice Receiver Appointment Receiver Appointment
2/19/2016 Margaret P. Shalhoob, Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand Probation Personal Conflict, Conduct Disruptive of a Tribunal, Respect for Rights of Third Persons, Prejudicial Conduct
2/11/2016 Tony F. Soltani, Esq. Single Justice Reprimand Violate or attempt to violate either the MRPC or the Maine Bar Rules, Commit a criminal or unlawful act
2/2/2016 Cynthia J. Dresden, Esq. Single Justice Receiver Appointment Receiver Appointment
2/2/2016 Seth T. Carey, Esq. Grievance Commission Report of Findings and Order (Superseded by 11/21/2016 Court Order)
1/15/2016 David Levesque, Esq. Grievance Commission Admonition Candor toward the Tribunal
1/5/2016 Alan D. Graves, Esq. Single Justice Receiver Appointment Receiver Appointment
1/5/2016 Robert M. Neault, Esq. Single Justice Receiver Appointment Receiver Appointment

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Date Respondent Issued By Order Disposition/Conduct
12/28/2015 Lawrence C. Winger, Esq. Single Justice Suspension Criminal or unlawful act that reflects adversely on the lawyer?s honesty, trustworthiness or fitness as a lawyer in other respects; conduct prejudicial to the administration of justice
12/7/2015 Raymond L. Williams, Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand Competence, Scope of Representation of Client, Diligence, Communication with Client, Truthfulness in Statements to Others, Conduct involving misrepresentations and being Prejudicial to the Administration of Justice
11/3/2015 Peter H. Stewart Grievance Commission Admonition Disciplinary proceedings: other provisions, Bar admission and disciplinary matters
10/30/2015 In re Ray R. Pallas, Esq. Single Justice Receiver Discharge Order [PDF] Receiver Discharge Order
10/28/2015 Adam D. Chase Grievance Commission Reprimand Notice to Clients, Adverse Parties and Other Counsel, Competence, Diligence, Communication, Conduct Prejudicial to the Administration of Justice
10/27/2015 Andrews Bruce Campbell, Esq. Single Justice Suspension Scope and Effect, Admission, Disclosure and Misconduct, Indentifying Commencement, Continuation and Termination of Representation, Conflict of Interest, Duties to Former Clients, Lawyer as a Witness, Misconduct
10/26/2015 In Re Sherri A. Stone, Esq. Single Justice Reinstatement Order of Reinstatement
10/9/2015 Suzanne Dwyer-Jones, Esq. Single Justice Order for Monitoring Monitoring Order
10/8/2015 Bradford Alan Borman Grievance Commission Reprimand Bar Admission Disciplinary Matters, Violate or Attempt to violate any provision of either the MRPC or the Maine Bar Rules, Conduct Prejudicial to the Administration of Justice
10/8/2015 Julie Osinski Grievance Commission Reprimand Bar Admission Disciplinary Matters, Violate or Attempt to violate any provision of either the MRPC or the Maine Bar Rules, Conduct Prejudicial to the Administration of Justice
10/1/2015 Marilyn E. Stavros Single Justice Receiver Appointment Receiver Appointment
9/30/2015 Donald L. Wharton, II Single Justice Suspension Reciprocal Suspension
9/30/2015 David J. Van Dyke, Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand Communication, Candor toward the Tribunal, Responsibilities Regarding Nonlawyer Assistants, Conduct Prejudicial to the Administration of Justice
9/28/2015 William L. Dawson, Jr., Esq. Single Justice Order and Decision Order to Continue Stay of Proceedings
9/24/2015 Wenonah M. Wirick, Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand Inadvertent Disclosures, Conduct Prejudicial to the Administration of Justice
9/21/2015 Julie C. Molloy Single Justice Suspension Reciprocal Suspension
9/10/2015 Donald F. Brown, Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand Competence, Misconduct, Conduct prejudicial to the administration of justice
8/28/2015 Diane M. Edgecomb, Esq. Single Justice Receiver Appointment Appointment of Limited Receiver
8/26/2015 In Re Suzanne Dwyer-Jones Single Justice Reinstatement Reinstatement Approved
8/20/2015 Dale L. Lavi, Esq. Grievance Commission Findings Probable cause found for further proceedings before the Court
8/18/2015 Peter Todd Travis, Esq. Grievance Commission Findings Rejection of Stipulated Sanction
7/27/2015 Philip S. Cohen, Esq. Single Justice Order and Decision Suspension
7/24/2015 In Re Jonathan Reitman Single Justice Receiver Discharge Order [PDF] Receiver Discharge Order
7/22/2015 Margaret P. Shalhoob, Esq. Grievance Commission Findings Rejection of Stipulated Sanction
7/21/2015 Suzanne Dwyer-Jones Grievance Commission Reinstatement Recommended Reinstatement Recommended
7/20/2015 Steven A. Juskewitch, Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand Reporting or threatening to report misconduct to an administrative authority solely to obtain an advantage in a civil matter, dealing with an unrepresented person, Conduct prejudicial to the administration of justice
7/20/2015 William B. Entwisle, Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand Disobeying the obligations or rules of a tribunal, Failure to provide timely discovery to the accused, Misconduct
7/20/2015 Carletta M. Bassano, Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand Disobeying the obligations or rules of a tribunal, Failure to provide timely discovery to the accused, Failure to properly supervise subordinate attorneys, Conduct prejudicial to the administration of justice
7/2/2015 Kirk Y. Griffin Single Justice Disbarment Reciprocal Order of Disbarment
7/1/2015 E. Anne Carton, Esq. Grievance Commission Dismissal with Warning Competence, Diligence, Communication, Conflicts of Interest ? Current Clients, Safekeeping Property
6/25/2015 In Re Edwin R. Jonas III Single Justice Reinstatement Denied Petition for Reinstatement Denied
6/23/2015 In Re John D. Griffin Single Justice Receiver Discharge Order [PDF] Receiver Discharge Order
6/23/2015 Basil L. Kellis Single Justice Receiver Appointment Receiver Appointment
6/2/2015 Alice A. Neal, Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand Diligence, Communication, Fees, Return of Client Property
6/2/2015 Kevin M. Joyce, Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand Diligence, Termination of Representation, Conduct Prejudicial to the Administration of Justice
5/21/2015 William B. Cote Single Justice Order and Decision Suspension still in effect
5/8/2015 Jeffrey Pickering, Esq. Grievance Commission Dismissal None
4/10/2015 Brian D. Condon, Jr., Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand Fees, Meritorious Claims and Contentions, Candor Toward the Tribunal, Respect for Rights of Third Persons, Misrepresentation, conduct prejudicial to the administration of justice
4/6/2015 Stephen E.F. Langsdorf, Esq. Grievance Commission Dismissal with Warning Improper contact with Represented Person, Conduct prejudicial to the administration of justice
3/5/2015 Charles Perrault Single Justice Order Staying Suspension Certification that Suspension is no Longer in Effect
2/18/2015 Merritt T. Heminway, Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand Competence, Diligence, Communication
2/5/2015 Ray R. Pallas, Esq. Single Justice Receiver Appointment Appointment of Receiver
2/5/2015 James M. Cameron Single Justice Resignation Resignation
1/20/2015 In Re Caroline J. Gardiner, Esq. Single Justice Receiver Discharge Order [PDF] Receiver Discharge Order
1/15/2015 Christopher G. Limberis, Esq. Single Justice Receiver Discharge Order [PDF] Receiver Discharge Order
1/15/2015 Paul E. Peck, Esq. Single Justice Decision and Order Order vacating 4/10/2014 Decision and Order issued by Grievance Commission
1/6/2015 Philip S. Cohen, Esq. Grievance Commission Report Finding of Probable Cause for Filing of Information with the Court Report Finding of Probable Cause for Filing of Information with the Court

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Date Respondent Issued By Order Disposition/Conduct
12/19/2014 William B. Cote Single Justice Receiver Discharge Order Discharge of Receiver
12/16/2014 Jennifer Murphy Single Justice Reprimand Failure to file "Notice Affidavit" after suspension; Failure to respond to Bar Counsel
12/15/2014 Pamela S. Holmes, Esq. Grievance Commission Dismissal with Warning Knowingly disobeying an obligation under the rules of a tribunal
12/2/2014 Richard Salewski Single Justice Receiver Appointment Receiver Appointment
11/18/2014 Matthew E. Clark Single Justice Suspension Competence; Diligence; Communication; Excessive Fees; Misrepresentation and Prejudicial Conduct.
11/12/2014 Scott D. Giese Single Justice Suspension Diligence; Communication; Unreasonable/Excessive fee; Conduct that reflects adversely on the Lawyer's Honesty, Trustworthiness or Fitness; Conduct prejudicial to the Administration of Justice
11/6/2014 Michael T. Pearson Grievance Commission Reprimand Diligence; Prejudicial Conduct; Misconduct; Unauthorized Practice of Law
10/15/2014 Richard L. Currier, Esq. Grievance Commission Dismissal with Warning Conflict of Interest; Duties to Former Client; Conduct Prejudice to the Administration of Justice
10/14/2014 Jonathan Reitman, Esq. Single Justice Receiver Appointment Receiver Appointment
9/24/2014 Edwin R. Jonas III Board of Overseers of the Bar Reinstatement Not Recommended Reinstatement Petition
9/22/2014 Andrew L. Broaddus, Esq. Single Justice Dismissal with Warning Conflict of Interest; Personal Conflict; Interest In Litigation.
9/15/2014 Jeremy Miller, Esq. Single Justice Suspended Suspension Diligence, Candor to the Tribunal and Prejudicial to the Administration of Justice
9/12/2014 James M. Cameron Single Justice Suspension Extended Suspension
8/15/2014 Kimberly A. Shoen, Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand Conduct prejudicial to administration of justice; Respect for rights of third persons.
8/11/2014 In Re Meredith M. Leary Single Justice Reinstatement Reinstatement Approved
8/1/2014 In Re Nancy J. Farrell Single Justice Reinstatement Reinstatement Approved
7/17/2014 Jose L. Serpa, Esq. Single Justice Suspension Reciprocal Discipline
6/23/2014 Gary M. Prolman Single Justice Immediate Interim Suspension Commit a criminal or unlawful act that reflects adversely on the lawyer?s honesty, trustworthiness or fitness as a lawyer in other respects; engage in conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit or misrepresentation; engage in conduct that is prejudicial
6/13/2014 In Re Kris Sahonchick Single Justice Reinstatement Reinstatement Approved
6/2/2014 Allan W. Hanson Single Justice Suspension Failure to provide competent representation; Failure to act with reasonable diligence; Failure to reasonably communicate and consult with client; and Engaging in conduct prejudicial to the administration of justice
5/30/2014 Steven J. Lyman, Esq. Grievance Commission Dismissal with Warning Failure to retain disputed funds and property until after settlement of dispute; Engaging in conduct prejudicial to the administration of justice
5/28/2014 Dale F. Thistle, Esq. Single Justice Receiver Appointment Appointment of Proxy
5/28/2014 Dale F. Thistle, Esq. Single Justice Suspension Disabled Attorney
5/22/2014 Albert L. Speziali, Esq. Single Justice Reciprocal Discipline Dismissed without Prejudice
4/23/2014 Christopher G. Limberis, Esq. Single Justice Receiver Appointment Appointment of Proxy
4/23/2014 James Scott Wheeler Grievance Commission Reprimand Failure to file an affidavit attesting compliance with the provisions of M.B.R. 7.3(i)(2); Failure to respond to a lawful demand for information from a disciplinary authority
4/22/2014 Scott D. Giese Single Justice Receiver Appointment Receiver Appointment
4/17/2014 Ronald E. Hoffman Single Justice Resignation Resignation
4/10/2014 Alexander W. P. Saksen, Esq. Grievance Commission Dismissal with Warning Candor to the Tribunal; Conduct Prejudicial to the Administration of Justice
4/10/2014 Paul E. Peck, Esq. Grievance Commission Decision and Order (Vacated by 1/15/2015 Decision and Order issued by the Court)
4/10/2014 Philip P. Mancini, Esq. Grievance Commission Dismissal No Misconduct
4/4/2014 William B. Cote Single Justice Receiver Discharge Order Order for the winding down and closure of law office
4/4/2014 Scott D. Giese, Esq. Single Justice Suspension Diligence; Communication; Unreasonable/Excessive fee; Conduct that reflects adversely on the Lawyer's Honesty, Trustworthiness or Fitness; Conduct prejudicial to the Administration of Justice
3/27/2014 Sally N. Mills, Esq. Grievance Commission Dismissal with Warning Competence; Diligence; Communication
3/25/2014 Caroline J. Gardiner Single Justice Receiver Appointment Receiver Appointment
3/21/2014 Edwin R. Jonas, III Grievance Commission Reinstatement Recommended Reinstatement Petition
3/10/2014 Jonathan H. Steinman Single Justice Resignation Resignation
2/28/2014 Julie Court Molloy Single Justice Reprimand Reciprocal Discipline Reciprocal Discipline
2/24/2014 Charles T. Ferris, Esq. Single Justice Order and Decision Order on Reconsideration No. 2
1/31/2014 Charles T. Ferris, Esq. Single Justice Suspension Fairness to Opposing Party and Counsel; Respect for Rights of Third Persons, Inadvertent Disclosures; Responsibilities Regarding Nonlawyer Assistants; Dishonesty, Fraud, Deceit or Misrepresentation; Conduct Prejudicial to the Administration of Justice
1/27/2014 Matthew E. Clark, Esq. Single Justice Suspension Competence; Scope of Representation; Diligence; Communication; Excessive Fees; Safekeeping of Client Property; Termination of Representation
1/15/2014 Scott David Giese, Esq. Single Justice Order for Monitoring Monitoring Order
1/13/2014 Scott D. Giese, Esq. Single Justice Suspension Scope of Representation; Diligence; Communication; Safekeeping of Client Funds/Property; Contact with Represented Person; Personal Conflict; Meritorious Claims; Conduct Prejudicial to the Administration of Justice
1/13/2014 Kirk Y. Griffin Single Justice Suspension Reciprocal Discipline Reciprocal Discipline
1/8/2014 John D. Griffin Single Justice Order and Decision Order Approving Second Status Report of Limited Receiver

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Date Respondent Issued By Order Disposition/Conduct
12/23/2013 Jay H. Otis Single Justice Suspension Competence; Diligence; Communication; Unreasonable/Excessive fee; Safekeeping Property, Trust Accounts and Interest on Trust Accounts; Conduct involving Dishonesty, Fraud, Deceit and Misrepresentation; Conduct prejudicial to the Administration of Justice
12/16/2013 William L. Dawson, Jr., Esq. Single Justice Consent Order Conditions imposed on right to practice.
12/9/2013 Timothy M. Concannon Single Justice Suspension Disabled Attorney
12/4/2013 Jonathan H. Steinman Grievance Commission Report Finding of Probable Cause for Filing of Information with the Court Probable cause found for further proceedings before the Court
12/4/2013 William B. Cote Single Justice Receiver Appointment Proxy Appointment for William B. Cote
12/3/2013 William B. Cote, Esq. Single Justice Temporary Suspension Disabled Attorney
12/2/2013 Timothy M. Concannon, Esq. Single Justice Receiver Appointment Receiver Appointment
11/21/2013 Daniel W. Bates, Esq. Single Justice Order and Decision Order Discharge of Receiver
11/21/2013 Charles F. Perrault Single Justice Suspended Suspension Reciprocal Discipline Reciprocal Discipline
11/20/2013 Kristen E.P. Kaleo Grievance Commission Dismissal with Warning Failure to file an affidavit attesting compliance with the provisions of M.B.R. 7.3(i)(2); Failure to respond to a lawful demand for information from a disciplinary authority.
11/19/2013 Bruce Michael Cormier Single Justice Suspension Reciprocal Discipline Reciprocal Discipline
11/8/2013 Jeremey A. Miller, Esq. Grievance Commission Report Finding of Probable Cause for Filing of Information with the Court Probable cause found for further proceedings before the Court
11/5/2013 Heather J. Smith Grievance Commission Reprimand Failure to file an affidavit attesting compliance with the provisions of M.B.R. 7.3(i)(2); Failure to respond to a lawful demand for information from a disciplinary authority
11/4/2013 Michael C. Lyons Grievance Commission Reprimand Failure to file an affidavit attesting compliance with the provisions of M.B.R. 7.3(i)(2); Failure to respond to a lawful demand for information from a disciplinary authority
10/29/2013 Joe Lewis, Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand Failure to deposit and maintain legal fees that have been paid in advance into a client trust account until fees were earned.
10/29/2013 Charles R. Bean, Esq. Single Justice Resignation N/A
10/28/2013 Jeremey A. Miller, Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand Diligence; Failure to Communicate; Failure to supervise non-lawyer assistants
10/17/2013 Carolyn M. Asquith Single Justice Order and Decision Order Discharge of Receiver
10/16/2013 Keri J. Marshall, Esq. Single Justice Reprimand Responsibilities Regarding Nonlawyer Assistants; Failure to Respond to Bar Counsel
10/10/2013 Brian E. Swales Grievance Commission Reprimand Failure to file an affidavit attesting compliance with the provisions of M.B.R. 7.3(i)(2); Failure to respond to a lawful demand for information from Bar Counsel
10/10/2013 Susan M. Page Grievance Commission Reprimand Failure to file an affidavit attesting compliance with the provisions of M.B.R. 7.3(i)(2); Failure to respond to a lawful demand for information from Bar Counsel
10/10/2013 John R. Woodman Grievance Commission Reprimand Failure to file an affidavit attesting compliance with the provisions of M.B.R. 7.3(i)(2); Failure to respond to a lawful demand for information from Bar Counsel
10/9/2013 Alexander F. McCann, Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand Failure to promptly deliver to the client funds that the client was entitled to receive upon; Failure to keep disputed funds separate from his own until the dispute was resolved; Engaging in conduct that was prejudicial to the administration of justice.
10/2/2013 Richard D. Violette, Jr. Single Justice Resignation N/A
9/30/2013 Jacob Apuzzo, Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand Failure to file an affidavit attesting compliance with the provisions of M.B.R. 7.3(i)(2); Failure to respond to a lawful demand for information from a disciplinary authority
9/30/2013 Ron E. Hoffman, Esq. Single Justice Suspended Suspension Commission of a criminal/unlawful act that reflects adversely on the lawyer?s honesty/trustworthiness/fitness as a lawyer; Engaging in conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit or misrepresentation; Conduct that is prejudicial to the admin of justice
9/23/2013 John D. Griffin Single Justice Order and Decision Order Approving Limited Receiver's Report
9/20/2013 Warren M. Turner Single Justice Order and Decision Amended Order Discharge of Receiver
9/16/2013 David P. Pancoast Grievance Commission Dismissal with Warning Failure to file an affidavit attesting compliance with the provisions of M.B.R. 7.3(i)(2)
9/10/2013 Warren M. Turner Single Justice Order and Decision Order Discharge of Receiver
9/10/2013 Christopher R. Causey, Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand Negotiation for employment with attorney for a party by mediator; Engaging in conduct prejudicial to the administration of justice
8/26/2013 In Re Suzanne Dwyer-Jones United States District Court - District of Maine Suspension Related Maine Supreme Judicial Court?s Order dated July 19, 2013
8/15/2013 Scott G. Adams, Esq. Grievance Commission Dismissal with Warning Failure to promptly refund unearned funds to a third party (a trust beneficiary)
8/13/2013 Matthew E. Clark, Esq. Grievance Commission Findings Probable cause found for further proceedings before the Court
8/9/2013 In Re David E. Hunt United States District Court - District of Maine Suspension Related Maine Supreme Judicial Court?s Order dated 7/18/2013
8/5/2013 Jay H. Otis Single Justice Receiver Appointment Amended Order for Appointment of Receiver
7/19/2013 Benjamin P. Campo, Jr., Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand Candor to the tribunal; Conduct prejudicial to the administration of justice
7/19/2013 Suzanne Dwyer-Jones Single Justice Suspension Illegal conduct; Incapacitation affecting practice of Law
7/18/2013 David E. Hunt Single Justice Suspension Diligence; Communication; Improper use of Client Trust Account; Lawyer impairment
7/16/2013 Mary N. Kellett, Esq. Single Justice Suspended Suspension Conduct Prejudicial to Admin. of Justice;Failure to Use Reasonable Skill & Judgment in Performance of Prof. Services;Failing to Use Before a Jury Means Only Consistent w/ Truth;Prosecutor?s Failure to Make Timely Disclosure to Def. of Exculpatory Evidence
7/9/2013 Ronald G. Caron, Sr., Esq. Single Justice Order and Decision Order Discharge of Receiver
6/27/2013 Dori F. Chadbourne, Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand Communication; Return of Client property/funds; Failure to respond to Bar Counsel
6/25/2013 Alexander J. Karr Grievance Commission Dismissal with Warning Failure to Respond to Bar Counsel; Failure to comply with the Maine Bar Rules
6/20/2013 Nicholas A. Battista, Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand Failure to Respond to Bar Counsel and Failure to Comply with the Maine Bar
6/14/2013 Scott A. Wanner, Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand Conflict of Interest; Personal Conflict
6/13/2013 George P. Kesaris, Esq. Single Justice Order and Decision Order Discharge of Receiver
6/7/2013 George P. Kesaris, Esq. Single Justice Findings, Conclusions and Order N/A
5/30/2013 Mark J. Nale, Esq. Grievance Commission Dismissal with Warning Conflict of Interest, Informed Consent of a Client; Conflict of Interest, Concurrent Representation; Keeping Client Informed
5/28/2013 Jeremey A Miller, Esq. Grievance Commission Findings Rejection of Stipulated Sanction
5/23/2013 Suzanne Dwyer-Jones Single Justice Suspension Illegal conduct; Incapacitation affecting practice of Law - See Corrected Order issued July 19, 2013
5/22/2013 Peter L. Thompson, Esq. Grievance Commission Dismissal No Misconduct
5/9/2013 Carol J. Webb Single Justice Reprimand Diligence; Communication; Failure to notify the courts of administrative suspension
4/24/2013 Anthony P. Shusta II, Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand Dismissal with Warning Commission of an unlawful/criminal act; Engaging in conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit or misrepresentation; and prejudicial to the administration of justice; Improperly charging a non-refundable retainer; Failure to return client money
4/11/2013 Jay H. Otis Single Justice Order and Decision Supplemental Order
4/4/2013 Jay H. Otis Single Justice Receiver Appointment Receiver Appointment re: Jay H. Otis' Law Practice
3/26/2013 Jay H. Otis, Esq. Single Justice Suspension Failure to Communicate; Excessive Fee; Failure to Return Client Funds/Property; Failure to Respond to Disciplinary Authority; Commission of Unlawful Act which reflects adversely on Lawyer's trustworthiness and fitness to practice
3/18/2013 John D. Griffin, Esq. Single Justice Receiver Appointment Receiver Appointment re: John D. Griffin?s Law Practice
3/8/2013 Charles T. Ferris, Esq. Grievance Commission Findings Rejection of Stipulated Sanction
3/5/2013 In Re Richard D. Violette, Jr. United States District Court - District of Maine Suspension Related Maine Supreme Judicial Court?s Order dated 1/29/13
3/4/2013 Patrick E. Hunt, Esq. Grievance Commission Dismissal with Warning Meritorious Claims and Contentions; Conduct prejudicial to the Administration of Justice
3/1/2013 John M. Whalen, Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand Conflict of Interest; Conduct prejudicial to the administration of justice; Failure to return client property
2/19/2013 David G. Coolidge, Esq. Grievance Commission Dismissal with Warning Failure to Respond to Bar Counsel and Failure to Comply with Procedural Requirements of the Maine Bar Rules
2/7/2013 Peter T. Dawson, Esq. Single Justice Receiver Appointment Receiver of Peter Dawson Law Office
2/6/2013 In Re George F. Leahy Single Justice Reinstatement Reinstatement is Dismissed as Moot
1/29/2013 Richard D. Violette, Esq. Single Justice Temporary Suspension Improper Communication; Illegal conduct and Conduct Involving Dishonesty
1/17/2013 Clayton N. Howard, Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand Conflict of Interest; Responsibilities of a Partner or Supervising Lawyer
1/15/2013 Jay H. Otis, Esq. Grievance Commission Findings Finding of Probable Cause for Supreme Court hearing
1/14/2013 Carol J. Webb, Esq. Grievance Commission Findings Rejection of Stipulated Sanction
1/9/2013 Eric B. Morse, Esq. Grievance Commission Dismissal with Warning Candor to the Tribunal; Misrepresentation; Conduct prejudicial to the administration of justice
1/8/2013 Carolyn M. Asquith Single Justice Suspension Lack of diligence and promptness; Disobeying obligations of the Rules of a Tribunal; Failure to Respond to Bar Counsel; Dishonest or deceitful conduct; Failure to pay an ordered fee refund within 30 days
1/3/2013 In Re David G. Coolidge, Esq. Single Justice Reinstatement Reinstatement Approved

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Date Respondent Issued By Order Disposition/Conduct
12/28/2012 In Re Laury E. Bowman, Esq. Single Justice Reinstatement Reinstatement Approved
12/14/2012 Judith W. Thornton Single Justice Order and Decision Order Discharging Receiver
12/5/2012 Mary N. Kellett, Esq. Grievance Commission Findings Probable cause found for further proceedings before the Court
11/27/2012 Daniel W. Bates, Esq. Single Justice Receiver Appointment N/A
11/13/2012 Kate S. Debevoise, Esq. Grievance Commission Dismissal No misconduct
11/13/2012 John L. Carpenter, Esq. Grievance Commission Dismissal No misconduct
11/13/2012 Nelson A. Toner, Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand Failure to Communicate with Client
10/30/2012 James W. Campbell, Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand Criminal Conduct in violation of M. R. Prof. Coduct 8.4(b)
10/9/2012 Carolyn M. Asquith Single Justice Receiver Appointment N/A
10/3/2012 Joan P. Davis a/k/a Joan D. Dowdell Single Justice Disbarment Reciprocal Discipline Neglect (Reciprocal Discipline Action)
10/3/2012 In Re Carlisle J.T. McLean Single Justice Reinstatement Reinstatement Approved
10/3/2012 George F. Leahy Single Justice Suspension Reciprocal Discipline Reciprocal Discipline
9/25/2012 Mary Huynh Thomas, Esq. Grievance Commission Dismissal Dismissal with Warning Diligence; Candor to the Tribunal
9/4/2012 In Re Robert C. Tommasino Single Justice Reinstatement Reinstatement Approved
8/28/2012 Michael G. Keefe, Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand Diligence; Failure to Communicate; Expediting litigation
8/27/2012 Ronald G. Caron, Sr., Esq. Single Justice Receiver Appointment N/A
8/23/2012 George P. Kesaris, Esq. Single Justice Receiver Appointment N/A
8/6/2012 Judith W. Thornton Single Justice Receiver Appointment Appointment of Limited Receiver
7/24/2012 Mary-Anne Martell, Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand Safe Keeping of Property; Diligence; Conduct Prejudicial to Administration of Justice; Communication; Improper Withdrawal
7/9/2012 Richard E. Bridges, Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand Lack of Diligence; Lack of Communication; Excessive Fee; Failure to Return Client Property; Failure to Respond to Bar Counsel; Misrepresentations; Conduct Prejudicial to Administration of Justice
7/9/2012 Carolyn M. Asquith Single Justice Temporary Suspension Neglect
7/6/2012 Jeffrey W. Davidson, Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand Respect for Rights of Third Persons; Professional Misconduct
6/28/2012 C. Peter Bos, Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand Standards of Care and Judgement/Neglect; Conduct Prejudicial to the Adminstration of Justice
6/14/2012 Michael M. McAleer Single Justice Reprimand Illegal Conduct; Failure to Respond to Bar Counsel; Failure to File Required Affidavit
6/11/2012 Richard L. Currier, Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand Threatening Prosecution; Conduct Prejudicial to the Administration of Justice
6/7/2012 In Re Ronald W. Dunbar, Jr. Single Justice Reinstatement Reinstatement Approved
5/31/2012 In Re William F. Mackey, Jr. Single Justice Reinstatement Reinstatement Approved
5/18/2012 Ralph A. Dyer Grievance Commission Reprimand Knowingly making a false statement of fact concerning the qualifications or integrity of a judge
5/17/2012 Christopher J. Whalley, Esq. Single Justice Dismissal No misconduct.
5/15/2012 Wayne R. Murphy, Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand Failure to file "Notice Affidavit" after suspension; Failure to respond to Bar Counsel
5/15/2012 Erika L. Frank, Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand Diligence; Conduct prejudicial to the administration of justice
5/1/2012 J. William Batten, Esq. Grievance Commission Dismissal with Warning Failure to be more diligent and communicative with a client, in violation of M. R. Prof. Conduct 1.3 and 1.4
4/20/2012 Christopher M. Uhl Single Justice Suspension Criminal Convictions
4/19/2012 Miklos M. Pongratz Single Justice Reprimand Conduct prejudicial to the administration of justice; Inadequate communication regarding fees; Expanding scope of representation without Client's consultation
4/9/2012 In Re Mary K. Kahl, Esq. Single Justice Receiver Discharge Order [PDF] Receiver Discharge Order
3/31/2012 Eric B. Cote Single Justice Reprimand Violation of MRPC 1.9 (Duties to former clients) and Conduct Prejudicial to the Administration of Justice
2/24/2012 Juliet T. Browne Single Justice Dismissal with Warning Former MBR 3.13(a) - now MRPC 5.1(a) - requiring reasonable efforts to ensure law firm has in effect measures giving reasonable assurance that all lawyers in the firm conform to the Rules of Professional Conduct.
2/24/2012 Roger A. Clement Jr. Single Justice Dismissal with Warning Former MBR 3.13(a) - now MRPC 5.1(a) - requiring reasonable efforts to ensure law firm has in effect measures giving reasonable assurance that all lawyers in the firm conform to the Rules of Professional Conduct.
2/24/2012 Mark K. Googins Single Justice Dismissal with Warning Former MBR 3.13(a) - now MRPC 5.1(a) - requiring reasonable efforts to ensure law firm has in effect measures giving reasonable assurance that all lawyers in the firm conform to the Rules of Professional Conduct.
2/24/2012 Eric D. Atholz Single Justice Dismissal with Warning Former MBR 3.13(a) - now MRPC 5.1(a) - requiring reasonable efforts to ensure law firm has in effect measures giving reasonable assurance that all lawyers in the firm conform to the Rules of Professional Conduct.
2/24/2012 James T. Kilbreth III Single Justice Dismissal with Warning Former MBR 3.13(a) - now MRPC 5.1(a) - requiring reasonable efforts to ensure law firm has in effect measures giving reasonable assurance that all lawyers in the firm conform to the Rules of Professional Conduct.
2/24/2012 David E. Warren Single Justice Dismissal with Warning Former MBR 3.13(a) - now MRPC 5.1(a) - requiring reasonable efforts to ensure law firm has in effect measures giving reasonable assurance that all lawyers in the firm conform to the Rules of Professional Conduct.
2/7/2012 Warren M. Turner Single Justice Suspension Failure to respond to clients; Failure to return client property; Failure to appear at Court; Failure to respond to Bar Counsel
1/31/2012 In Re David P. Mooney Single Justice Reinstatement Reinstatement Approved
1/24/2012 Benjamin Y. Agress Single Justice Resignation N/A
1/5/2012 Scott G. Adams Grievance Commission Reprimand Conduct Involving Dishonesty, Deceit and Misrepresentation

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Date Respondent Issued By Order Disposition/Conduct
12/30/2011 Patrick E. Hunt Grievance Commission Dismissal with Warning Conflict of Interest - Simultaneous Representation; Avoiding Misreliance
12/29/2011 Michael S. Haenn, Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand Prejudicial to the Administration of Justice
12/23/2011 Michael L. Kress Grievance Commission Reprimand Failure to file required Affidavit after being Administratively Suspended, Failure to Respond to Disciplinary Petition
12/23/2011 Tanya Stepasiuk Grievance Commission Reprimand Failure to file Required Affidavit after Admistrative Suspension
12/23/2011 Rose L. Jordan Grievance Commission Dismissal with Warning Failure to File Required Affidavit after being Administratively Suspended
12/21/2011 Alan F. Harding Single Justice Suspension/Monitoring Order Illegal Conduct; Neglect; Truthfullness in Statements to Others; Conduct Involving Deceit or Misrepresentation; Diligence
12/19/2011 Robert M. Walsh Grievance Commission Dismissal with Warning Failure to File Affidavit after being Adminstratively Suspended
12/16/2011 Paul L. Letourneau Single Justice Order and Decision
12/8/2011 David E. Warren; James Kilbreth, III; Eric D. Altholz; Mark K. Googins; Roger A. Clement, Jr.; Juliet T. Browne Law Court Law Court: Affirmed in Part/Vacated in Part Responsibility of a Partner or Supervising Lawyer
12/1/2011 In Re Michael T. Phelan Single Justice Reinstatement Reinstatement Approved
11/2/2011 Miklos M. Pongratz Grievance Commission Dismissal No misconduct.
10/25/2011 Andrew J. Doukas Single Justice Order and Decision
10/24/2011 Warren M. Turner Single Justice Receiver Appointment N/A
10/12/2011 Todd R. Collins Grievance Commission Dismissal NA
9/27/2011 Paul O. Dillon Grievance Commission Reprimand Diligence; Communication; Misconduct; Neglect
9/21/2011 Philip L. Ingeneri Single Justice Resignation N/A
9/6/2011 In Re Andrea S. Manthorne Single Justice Reinstatement NA
9/2/2011 Steven A. Juskewitch Grievance Commission Dismissal with Warning Competence, Diligence
8/29/2011 Allan W. Hanson Grievance Commission Reprimand Conduct Unworthy of an Attorney, Neglect of a Client's Legal Matter, Diligence, Communication
8/29/2011 James M. Cameron Single Justice Suspension Conviction of Crimes
8/19/2011 Robert B. Pomeroy Single Justice Disbarment Reciprocal Discipline Reciprocal Discipline
8/18/2011 David E. Hunt Single Justice Receiver Appointment N/A
8/16/2011 Mary Notaris Single Justice Disbarment Reciprocal Discipline Diligence; Communication; Making a False Statement in Connection with a Disciplinary Matter
8/9/2011 Christopher M. Uhl Law Court Temporary Suspension Reciprocal Discipline
7/26/2011 Mary K. Kahl, Esquire Single Justice Receiver Appointment N/A
7/26/2011 Richard F. van Antwerp Single Justice Resignation Resignation by Attorney Under Disciplinary Investigation
7/25/2011 Charles R. Bean, Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand/Monitoring Order Communication; Conduct Prejudicial to the Administration of Justice; Standards of Care and Judgment/Neglect; Diligence
6/27/2011 William L. Dawson, Jr., Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand Competence, Communication, Diligence, Engage in Conduct that is Prejudicial to the Administration of Justice
6/1/2011 Robert M.A. Nadeau, Esq. Grievance Commission Dismissal with Warning Responsibilities Regarding Non-lawyer Assistants
5/24/2011 Daniel C. Purdy, Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand Diligence, Communication, Conduct Prejudicial to the Administration of Justice
5/24/2011 Louise A. Klaila Grievance Commission Reprimand Registration, Annual Fees, Continuing Legal Education, Code of Professional Responsibility
5/9/2011 Robert J. Rubin Grievance Commission Dismissal with Warning Improper Communication with an Adverse Party; Conduct Prejudicial to the Administration of Justice; Conduct Unworthy of an Attorney
4/25/2011 Paul A. Weeks, Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand/Monitoring Order Standards of Care and Judgment
4/11/2011 In Re Thomas M. Mangan Single Justice Reinstatement Denied Petition for Reinstatement is DENIED
4/11/2011 In Re Charles G. Williams III United States District Court - District of Maine Reinstatement Denied
4/6/2011 Donald F. Brown, Esq. Grievance Commission Dismissal
4/6/2011 Jonathan A. Toof Grievance Commission Reprimand Failure to Respond to Bar Counsel
4/4/2011 Wayne R. Murphy Single Justice Suspension Reciprocal Discipline
3/31/2011 C. Peter Bos, Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand Standards of Care and Judgment; Diligence; Communication; Neglect
3/21/2011 In Re Schuyler G. Steele, Esq. Single Justice Receiver Discharge Order [PDF] Receiver Discharge Order
2/25/2011 Brian Aromando Single Justice Suspension Conduct Unworthy of an Attorney; Other Misconduct; Standards of Care and Judgment; Competent Representation; Reasonable Diligence and Promptness; Communication; Fees; Professional Misconduct for a Lawyer
2/24/2011 Richard L. Rhoda, Esq. Grievance Commission Dismissal with Warning Conduct Prejudicial to the Administration of Justice; Communication
1/13/2011 Anita M. Volpe, Esq. Single Justice Final Order

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Date Respondent Issued By Order Disposition/Conduct
12/29/2010 David E. Warren; James Kilbreth, III; Eric D. Altholz; Mark K. Googins; Roger A. Clement, Jr.; Juliet T. Browne Single Justice Dismissal None
12/4/2010 Chris A. Nielsen, Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand Duties to Prospective Client; Communications Concerning a Lawyer's Services; Advertising; Communication of Field of Practice and Specialization; Misconduct
12/2/2010 Andrew J. Doukas Single Justice Suspended Suspension Conduct During Representation: Standards of Care and Judgment; Conflict of Interest: Avoiding Adverse Interest
11/30/2010 Andrew J. Doukas Single Justice Suspended Suspension Conduct During Representation: Standards of Care and Judgment; Conflict of Interest: Avoiding Adverse Interest
11/23/2010 Charles G. Williams, III Law Court Decision Affirmed Reinstatement Reinstatement Denied
10/18/2010 Bernard L. Watson Single Justice Suspension Conduct Unworthy of an Attorney; Neglect of a Client's Legal Matter; Failure to Timely Respond to Bar Counsel; Conduct Prejudicial to the Administration of Justice; Conflict of Interest: Avoiding Adverse Interest
9/13/2010 In Re Michael I. Montembeau Single Justice Reinstatement Denied
8/17/2010 Joseph A. Troiano Single Justice Disbarment Reciprocal Discipline Safekeeping Property, Client Trust Accounts, Interest on Trust Accounts; Engage in Conduct involving Dishonesty, Fraud, Deceit or Misrepresentation; Engage in Conduct that is Prejudicial to the Administration of Justice
8/12/2010 In Re Seth T. Carey Single Justice Reinstatement
8/10/2010 Anita M. Volpe, Esq. Single Justice Suspension [PDF] Conduct Prejudicial to the Administration of Justice; Conduct involving Dishonesty, Fraud, Deceit, or Misrepresentation; Improper Concealment, Statement or Evidence;
7/27/2010 Alison J. Bane Grievance Commission Reprimand Conduct Unworthy of an Attorney; Unauthorized Practice of Law; Other Misconduct; False Statement to a Judge; Candor Toward the Tribunal;
7/26/2010 Stephen J. Bourget, Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand Conduct Unworthy of an Attorney; Conduct Prejudicial to the Administration of Justice
7/26/2010 Nathan D. Bell, Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand Standards of Care and Judgment: Compentence; Diligence; Lack of
7/13/2010 Stephen M. Brett Single Justice Suspension Conduct Unworthy of an Attorney; Preserving Identity of Funds and Property; Engage in Illegal Conduct that Adversely Reflects on the Lawyer's Honesty, Trustworthiness, or Fitness as a Lawyer in other Respects; Engage in Conduct Involving Dishonesty, Fraud
7/12/2010 Clayton N. Howard, Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand Conduct Unworthy and Attorney; Disclosure of Interest, Commencement, and Termination; Conflict of Interest; Representation Permitted With Consent;
6/28/2010 Robert L. Couturier, Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand Conduct Unworthy and Attorney; Conduct Prejudicial to the Administration of Justice; and Conflict of Interest
6/24/2010 Joseph A. Ritzo Single Justice Suspension Safekeeping Property, Client Trust Accounts, Interest on Trust Accounts; Responsibilities Regarding Nonlawyer Assistants; Misconduct
6/8/2010 Miklos M. Pongratz Single Justice Suspension Standards of Care and Judgment; Interest in Litigation
5/10/2010 In Re Charles G. Williams III Single Justice Reinstatement Denied
5/4/2010 David M. Hirshon, Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand Scope and Effect; Acts as a Public Official; Conflict of Interest: Succesive Representation, Interests of Former Clients
4/13/2010 Andrews B. Campbell Grievance Commission Reprimand Conduct Unworthy of an Attorney; Preserving Identity of Funds and Property; Identify and Label Securities and Properties of a Client
4/8/2010 Miklos M. Pongratz Single Justice Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law Standards of Care and Judgment; Interest in Litigation
3/25/2010 Paul L. Letourneau, Esq. Single Justice Suspended Suspension Conduct during representation; Responsibilities regarding Non-Lawyer Assistants.
3/23/2010 Brian Aromando Single Justice Temporary Suspension
3/12/2010 Patrick Hunt Single Justice Suspension Suspended Suspension Failure to exercise reasonable care
3/9/2010 Rebecca St. Laurent Grievance Commission Reprimand Failure to comply with affidavit requirements
2/23/2010 Paul A. Weeks, Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand Neglect
2/17/2010 Schuyler G, Steele, Esq. Single Justice Receiver Appointment
2/8/2010 Dale L. Lavi, Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand Conduct Prejudicial to the Administration of Justice; Conduct During Representation; Preserving Identity of Funds and Property
2/5/2010 Kathleen T. O'Boyle Single Justice Suspension Conduct Unworthy of an Attorney; Unauthorized Practice; Conduct Prejudicial to the Administration of Justice; Standards of Care and Judgment: Neglect of a Client's Matter; Inadequate Preparation; Registration Requirements
1/29/2010 Patrick Hunt, Esq. Single Justice Decision & Amended Order Conduct During Representation: Standards of Care and Judgment; Communicating With Adverse Party

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Date Respondent Issued By Order Disposition/Conduct
12/28/2009 Richard K. Dubois Single Justice Reprimand
12/1/2009 Margaret P. Shalhoob Grievance Commission Reprimand
10/31/2009 Clarence H. Spurling Grievance Commission Reprimand Conflict of Interest: Successive Representation
10/19/2009 James B. Smith Grievance Commission Reprimand
10/16/2009 Marsha Weeks Traill Single Justice Decision Affirmed
10/6/2009 Seth T. Carey Single Justice Suspension Conduct Unworthy of an Attorney
10/6/2009 Michael Montembeau Single Justice Suspension
9/25/2009 Paul L. Letourneau Single Justice Suspended Suspension Conduct During Representation: Standards of Care and Judgment; Responsibilities Regarding Non-Lawyer Assistants
9/17/2009 Stephen C. Whiting Grievance Commission Reprimand Conflict of Interest; Conduct Prejudiical to Admin. of Justice
8/31/2009 Sidney H. Geller Grievance Commission Reprimand Conduct During Representation: Preserving Identity of Funds and Property
7/28/2009 Jon A. Languet, Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand Conduct Unworthy of an Attorney; Conflict of Interest: When Lawyer May Be Called as Witness; Withdrawal from Employment
7/28/2009 Erika L. Frank Grievance Commission Reprimand Conduct Prejudicial to the Administration of Justice; Competency; Conflict of Interest: Simultaneous Representation
7/14/2009 Gerald S. Cope Single Justice Resignation Resignation by Attorney Under Disciplinary Investigation
6/29/2009 Stephen E. Langsdorf Grievance Commission Reprimand Conduct Unworthy of an Attorney; Conduct Prejudicial to the Administration of Justice
6/18/2009 Kathleen T. O'Boyle Single Justice Temporary Suspension Conduct Unworthy of an Attorney; Unauthorized Practice; Conduct Prejudicial to the Administration of Justice; Standards of Care and Judgment: Neglect of a Client's Matter; Inadequate Preparation; Registration Requirements
5/26/2009 J.P. Nadeau, Jr., Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand Conduct Unworthy of an Attorney; Conduct Prejudicial to the Administration of Justice; Adversary Conduct
4/30/2009 Daniel L. Lacasse, Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand Conduct Unworthy of an Attorney; Conduct Involving Dishonesty, Fraud, Deceit, or Misrepresentation; Conduct that is Prejudicial to the Administration of Justice
4/16/2009 Peter K. Mason, Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand Conduct Unworthy of an Attorney; Illegal Conduct
4/10/2009 Stephen C. Jordan, Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand Illegal Conduct; Conduct Involving Dishonesty, Fraud, Deceit, or Misrepresentation; Conduct Prejudicial to the Administration of Justice; Confidentiality
4/6/2009 Franklin A. Poe Single Justice Receiver Appointment Receiver Appointment re: Franklin A. Poe's Law Practice
3/25/2009 Jeffrey Pickering, Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand Conduct Unworthy of an Attorney; Conduct During Representation: Standards of Care and Judgment
3/10/2009 David N. Fisher, Jr., Esq. Single Justice Resignation Resignation by Attorney Under Disciplinary Investigation
2/17/2009 Marsha Weeks Traill, Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand Decision Appealed Conduct Unworthy of an Attorney; Conduct Involving Dishonesty, Fraud, Deceit, or Misrepresentation;Conduct Prejudicial to the Administration of Justice
2/12/2009 Seth T. Carey Single Justice Suspension Communication with Adverse Party; Competency
2/9/2009 Franklin A. Poe, Esq. Single Justice Disbarment Conduct Unworthy of an Attorney; Conduct Prejudicial to the Administration of Justice; Standards of Care and Judgment; Preserving Identity of Funds and Property
1/2/2009 C. Peter Bos, Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand Conduct Unworthy of an Attorney; Conduct During Representation: Standards of Care and Judgment

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Date Respondent Issued By Order Disposition/Conduct
12/30/2008 Jed Davis Grievance Commission Reprimand Conduct Unworthy of an Attorney; Threatening Prosecution
12/23/2008 Leonard I. Sharon Grievance Commission Reprimand Standards of Care and Judgment; Responsibilities Regarding Non-Lawyer Assistants
12/17/2008 Gordon Ayer, Esq. Single Justice Reprimand Conduct Involving Dishonesty, Fraud, Deceit, or Misrepresentation; Conduct Prejudicial to the Administration of justice; Improper Concealment, Statement or Evidence; Adversary Conduct
12/10/2008 Christopher J. Whalley, Esq. Single Justice Reprimand Conduct Unworthy of an Attorney; Conduct During Representation: Standards of Care and Judgment
12/2/2008 Calvin E. True, Esq. Single Justice Suspension Conduct involving Dishonesty, Fraud, Deceit, or Misrepresentation; Simultaneous Representation
12/1/2008 Thomas Hallett, Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand Conduct Unworthy of an Attorney; Conduct Prejudicial to the Administration of Justice
11/10/2008 Alice E. Knapp, Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand Conflict of Interest: Simultaneous Representation; Threatening Prosecution
11/3/2008 Jennifer R. Raymond, Esq. Single Justice Suspension Reciprocal Discipline Conduct involving Dishonesty, Fraud, Deceit, or Misrepresentation; Inadequate Preparation; Neglect
10/31/2008 Brian Condon, Jr., Esq. Single Justice Reprimand Conduct Unworthy of an Attorney; Conduct Prejudicial to the Administration of Justice; Conduct During Representation: Standards of Care and Judgment
7/8/2008 John D. Duncan Single Justice Disbarment Conduct Involving Dishonesty, Fraud, Deceit, or Misrepresentation
6/24/2008 Sean M. Farris, Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand Conduct During Representation: Standards of Care and Judgment; Conduct Unworthy of an Attorney
6/19/2008 Timothy M. Vogel, Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand Conduct Unworthy of an Attorney; Neglect; Conduct Prejudicial to the Administration of Justice
5/27/2008 Randal E. Watkinson, Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand Conduct Unworthy of an Attorney; Conduct During Representation: Standards of Care and Judgment
3/28/2008 Bronson Platner Grievance Commission Reprimand Conduct During Representation: Standards of Care and Judgment
2/20/2008 Brian Condon Single Justice Order Staying Suspension
2/15/2008 Joseph D. Moser, Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand Conduct Unworthy of an Attorney; Conduct Prejudicial to the Administration of Justice; Disclosure of Interest; Commencement; Conflict of Interest
1/24/2008 Jeffery J. Clark, Esq. Single Justice Reprimand Suspension Conduct Unworthy of an Attorney; Conduct Prejudicial to the Administration of Justice; Conflict of Interest; Conflict of Interest: Lawyer's Own Interest

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Date Respondent Issued By Order Disposition/Conduct
11/16/2007 In Re Richard B. Slosberg, Esq. Single Justice Reinstatement Denied Reinstatement Denied
10/31/2007 Christopher J. Whalley, Esq. Single Justice Suspended Suspension Conduct Unworthy of an Attorney; Withdrawal from Employment; Preserving Identity of Funds and Property; Responsibilities Regarding Non-lawyer Assistants
10/23/2007 Gary Karpin Single Justice Disbarment Reciprocal Discipline Illegal Conduct
10/16/2007 Charles F. Perrault, Esq. Single Justice Reprimand Reciprocal Discipline
10/16/2007 Valeriano Diviacchi, Esq. Single Justice Reprimand Reciprocal Discipline
10/16/2007 Elizabeth A. Morrow, Esq. Single Justice Reprimand Reciprocal Discipline
9/24/2007 Joel C. Vincent, Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand Conduct Unworthy of an Attorney; Neglect
8/27/2007 Richard S. Emerson, Jr. Single Justice Resignation
8/9/2007 Patricia Danisinka-Washburn, Esq. Single Justice Suspension Conduct Prejudicial Administration of Justice; Conduct During Representation: Standards of Care and Judgment/Neglect/ Inadequate Preparation; Excessive Fees; Conduct involving Dishonesty, Fraud, Deceit, or Misrepresentation
7/10/2007 Wayne R. Murphy, Esq. Single Justice Reprimand Reciprocal Discipline
7/9/2007 Pamela J. Ames, Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand Conduct Unworthy of an Attorney; Conduct Involving Dishonesty, Fraud, Deceit, or Misrepresentation
7/5/2007 Patricia Danisinka-Washburn Single Justice Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law Conduct Prejudicial Administration of Justice; Conduct During Representation: Standards of Care and Judgment/Neglect/ Inadequate Preparation; Excessive Fees; Conduct involving Dishonesty, Fraud, Deceit, or Misrepresentation
6/20/2007 Richard W. Salewski, Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand Disclosure of Interest; Commencement; Standards of Care and Judgment; Conflict of Interest: Simultaneous Representation
5/31/2007 Brian D. Condon, Jr. Single Justice Suspension Conduct Prejudicial to the Administration of Justice; Contempt; Violating Court Orders/Rules
4/19/2007 William D. Maselli, Esq. Grievance Commission Dismissal with Warning
3/28/2007 Stephen T. Hayes, Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand Conduct During Representation: Standards of Care and Judgment
1/18/2007 Patricia V. Shadis, Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand Conduct Prejudicial Administration of Justice; Conduct During Representation: Standards of Care and Judgment/Threatening Prosecution; Adversary Conduct; Conduct Unworthy of an Attorney

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Date Respondent Issued By Order Disposition/Conduct
12/27/2006 Brian D. Condon, Jr., Esq. Single Justice Suspended Suspension Conduct Unworthy of an Attorney; Conduct Involving Dishonesty, Fraud, Deceit, or Misrepresentation; Conduct Prejudicial Administration of Justice;Preserving Identity of Funds and Property; Maintaining Complete Record of Funds
11/17/2006 David A. Vincent, Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand Conduct Unworthy of an Attorney; Conduct During Representation: Inadequate Preparation
11/16/2006 Charles R. Bean, Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand Conduct Unworthy of an Attorney; Withdrawal from Employment; Conduct During Representation: Standards of Care and Judgment
10/24/2006 Frank B. Walker Single Justice Resignation
10/17/2006 Thomas R. Acker Single Justice Receiver Appointment [PDF]
9/22/2006 Thomas R. Acker - Hollis, ME Single Justice Disbarment Conduct Unworthy of an Attorney; Subversion of Bar Rules; Conduct Prejudicial to the Administration of Justice; Responsibilities re: Law-Related Services; Conflict of Interest: Successive Representation; Neglect; Preserving Identity of Funds and Property
9/1/2006 James L. Audiffred Grievance Commission Reprimand Conduct Unworthy of an Attorney; Conduct Prejudicial to the Administration of Justice
8/1/2006 Donald F. Brown Grievance Commission Reprimand Standards of Care and Judgment; Commencement
7/27/2006 Warren M. Turner, Esq. Single Justice Suspended Suspension Illegal Conduct that Adversely Reflects on the Lawyer's Honesty, Trustworthiness, or Fitness as a Lawyer in other Respects
7/12/2006 Michael X. Savasuk, Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand Failure to Respond to Bar Counsel; Conduct Unworthy of an AttorneyConduct During Representation: Standards of Care and Judgment; Responsibilities Regarding Non-Lawyer Assistants
6/20/2006 Stephen M. Brett Single Justice Suspension Conduct Unworthy of an Attorney; Conduct involving Dishonesty, Fraud, Deceit or Misrepresentation; Conduct Prejudicial to the Administration of Justice; Neglect; Communicating with Adverse Party
6/16/2006 Gary H. Reiner Single Justice Resignation Resignation by Attorney Under Disciplinary Investigation
5/26/2006 Raymond J. DiLucci, Esq. Single Justice Reprimand Reciprocal Discipline
5/11/2006 Stephen M. Brett Single Justice Temporary Suspension
5/5/2006 J. Michael Huston, Esq. Single Justice Suspension Conduct Unworthy of an Attorney; Conduct involving Dishonesty, Fraud, Deceit or Misrepresentation; Actions of Attorney who Assumes Inactive Status
4/7/2006 Thomas Acker Single Justice Receiver Appointment
3/28/2006 Andrews B. Campbell, Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand Conduct During Representation: Standards of Care and Judgment; Responsibilities of a Supervisory Lawyer
3/17/2006 Richard L. Rhoda, Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand
3/2/2006 Robert M.A. Nadeau, Esq. Single Justice Reprimand Misconduct before a Tribunal
2/27/2006 Richard B. Romanow Grievance Commission Reprimand Conduct During Representation: Standards of Care and Judgment; Preserving Identity of Funds and Property
1/25/2006 Stephen M. Brett Grievance Commission Reprimand Conduct Prejudicial to the Administration of Justice; Conduct before a Tribunal; Referral Solicitation; Confidentiality

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Date Respondent Issued By Order Disposition/Conduct
12/23/2005 Thomas R. Acker, Esq. Single Justice Temporary Suspension Conduct Unworht of an Attorney; Conduct Prejudicial to the Administration of Justice; Responsibilities re: Law Related Services; Conflict of Interest; Preserving Identity of Funds and Property
12/18/2005 Warren C. Shay, Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand Conduct Unworthy of an Attorney; Conflict of Interest; Simultaneous Representation
12/15/2005 E. Christopher L'Hommedieu, Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand Conduct Unworthy of an Attorney; Conduct Prejudicial to the Administration of Justice; Conduct involving Dishonesty, Fraud, Deceit or Misrepresentation; Conduct During Representation: Improper Concealment, Statement or Evidence; Adversary Conduct
10/25/2005 Robert Levine, Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand Conduct Unworthy of an Attorney; Conduct Prejudicial to the Administration of Justice; Conduct During Representation: Standards of Care and Judgment/Adversary Conduct
10/14/2005 Earle S. Tyler, Jr. Single Justice Resignation
7/20/2005 Charles G. Williams III Single Justice Order and Decision
7/19/2005 Christopher J. Whalley Single Justice Reprimand Conflict of Interest: Successive Representation; Confidentiality of Information
6/28/2005 Jennifer R. Raymond, Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand Conduct Unworthy of an Attorney; Conduct During Representation: Standards of Care and Judgment; Neglect of a Client's Matter; Conduct Involving Ddishonesty, Fraud, Deceit, or Misrepresentation;Preserving Identity of Funds and Property
6/2/2005 Robert M.A. Nadeau, Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand [PDF]
6/1/2005 Stanley E. Sproul, Esquire Single Justice Resignation
4/26/2005 Philip Desfosses, Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand Inadqueate Preparation; Neglect of a Client's Matter; Responsibilities Regarding Non-Lawyer Assistants
4/5/2005 Richard G. Cervizzi Single Justice Disbarment Conduct Unworthy of an Attorney; Conduct During Representation: Standards of Care and Judgment; Retention of Client Files; Illegal Conduct; Conduct Involving Dishonesty, Fraud, Deceit, or Misrepresentation; Neglect; Improper Concealment
3/21/2005 Laurie Anne Miller Single Justice Resignation Resignation by Attorney Under Disciplinary Investigation
3/15/2005 Thomas F. Adams, Esq. Single Justice Suspension Disclosure of Interest; Conflict of Interest; Successive Representation; Confidentiality of Information
2/22/2005 Richard B. Slosberg Single Justice Disbarment Conduct Prejudicial to the Administration of Justice; Undignified and Discourteous Conduct that is Degrading to the Court; Lack of Preparation
1/14/2005 Richard G. Cervizzi Single Justice Order and Decision [PDF]
1/10/2005 Thomas J. Peterson, Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand Conflict of Interest: Successive Representation, Interests of Former Clients; Withdrawal from Employment
1/4/2005 Richard G. Cervizzi Single Justice Order and Decision [PDF]

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Date Respondent Issued By Order Disposition/Conduct
12/20/2004 David A. Soley Grievance Commission Reprimand Conduct Unworthy of an Attorney; Illegal Conduct that Adversely Reflects on the Lawyer's Honesty, Trustworthiness, or Fitness as a Lawyer in other Respects
12/10/2004 Vanessa A. Bartlett, Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand Conduct During Representation: Standards of Care and Judgment; Neglect
12/7/2004 Allan W. Hanson, Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand Conduct Unworthy of an Attorney; Misrepresentation and Conduct Prejudicial to the Administration of Justice; Failure to use Reasonable Care and Skill and Neglect of Legal Matters
11/23/2004 Richard B. Slosberg, Esq. Single Justice Suspension [PDF]
11/18/2004 James J. MacAdam, Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand Conduct Unworthy of an Attorney; Responsibilities Regarding Non-Lawyer Assistants; Neglect of a Client's Matter; Conduct During Representation: Standards of Care and Judgment
9/15/2004 William S. Wilson, Jr. Single Justice Suspension Neglect; Failure to Respond to Bar Counsel
9/2/2004 John P. Frankenfield Single Justice Disbarment
8/23/2004 Laurie Anne Miller, Esq. Single Justice Suspended Suspension Conduct During Representation: Standards of Care and Judgment; Neglect of a Client's Matter; Inadquate Preparation; Competency; Conduct Involving Dishonesty, Fraud, Deceit, or Misrepresentation; Conduct Prejudicial to the Administration of Justice
8/13/2004 Carolee T. Howes, Esq. Single Justice Receiver Appointment [PDF]
8/9/2004 In Re Patricia A. Danisinka-Washburn Single Justice Reinstatement Final Order [PDF]
8/5/2004 William J. Smith, Esq. Single Justice Order Order vacating 5/14/2004 Report of Findings issued by Grievance Commission
7/30/2004 Neal L. Weinstein Grievance Commission Reprimand Conduct Unworthy of an Attorney; Conduct Prejudicial to the Administration of Justice; Conduct During Representation: Standards of Care and Judgment; Conduct During Litigation: Improper Legal Action
7/27/2004 Lunsford Dole Philips Single Justice Reciprocal Discipline
7/23/2004 Stephen T. Hayes, Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand Conduct Unworthy of an Attorney; Conduct Prejudicial to the Administration of Justice; Conduct During Representation: Standands of Care and Judgment; Neglect of a Client's Matters
5/19/2004 Charles R. Bean, Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand Conduct Involving Dishonesty, Fraud, Deceit, or Misrepresentation; Conduct Prejudicial to the Administration of Justice
5/17/2004 Philip L. Ingeneri, Esq. Single Justice Suspended Suspension Conduct Unworthy of an Attorney; Conduct Involving Dishonesty, Fraud, Deceit, or Misrepresentation; Inadequate Preparation of a Client's Matter; Neglect of a Client's Matter
5/14/2004 William J. Smith, Esq. Grievance Commission Report of Findings (Vacated by 8/5/2004 Court Order)
4/28/2004 Richard G. Cervizzi Single Justice Order and Decision [PDF]
4/7/2004 Charles G. Williams Single Justice Disbarment Neglect of a Client's Matter; Conduct Involving Ddishonesty, Fraud, Deceit, or Misrepresentation; Excessive Fees

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Date Respondent Issued By Order Disposition/Conduct
12/10/2003 In Re Gordon P. Gates Single Justice Reinstatement [PDF]
12/2/2003 Richard W. Gerrity, Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand Conduct Unworthy of an Attorney; Directly or Indirectly Violate, Circumvent, or Subvert any Provision of the Maine Bar Rules; Registration Requirements
12/2/2003 Jennifer R. Raymond, Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand Conduct Unworthy of an Attorney; Conduct Involving Dishonesty, Fraud, Deceit, or Misrepresentation; Conduct During Representation: Standards of Care and Judgment; Preserving Identity of Funds and Property
12/1/2003 Peter E. Rodway, Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand Neglect of a CLient's Matter
12/1/2003 James J. MacAdam, Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand Conduct Unworthy of an Attorney; Responsibilities Regarding Non-Lawyer Assistants
10/27/2003 Albert Ira Gould Single Justice Suspension Reciprocal Discipline
9/26/2003 Patricia A. Danisinka-Washburn, Esq. Single Justice Suspended Suspension [PDF]
9/5/2003 In Re Patricia A. Danisinka-Washburn, Esq. Single Justice Reinstatement [PDF]
9/5/2003 Christopher J. Whalley, Esq. Single Justice Suspension Suspended Suspension Neglect; Failure to Communicate; Conflict of Interest; Improper Handling of Client Trust Funds; Lack of Proper Adherence to the Rules of Civil Procedure and Court Protocol
9/3/2003 Richard S. Bach Single Justice Resignation [PDF] Resignation
8/7/2003 David N. Fisher, Jr., Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand Conduct Unworthy of an Attorney; Conduct During Representation: Standands of Care and Judgment; Neglect
7/11/2003 Frank B. Walker, Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand Conduct Unworthy of an Attorney; Neglect of a Client's Matter
7/3/2003 Elizabeth Kelly Ebitz, Esq. Single Justice Reprimand [PDF]
6/19/2003 Richard L. Rhoda, Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand
5/15/2003 Ronald L. Bishop Single Justice Order and Decision [PDF]
5/5/2003 Lenore Anderson Single Justice Order and Decision [PDF]
5/1/2003 Board v. Charles G. Williams III Single Justice Order Order for Temporary Custody of Files
4/9/2003 Amy B. McGarry Grievance Commission Reprimand [PDF]
2/28/2003 In Re Sue A. Bushey Single Justice Reinstatement [PDF]
1/29/2003 Wallace A. Bilodeau, Esq. Single Justice Temporary Suspension [PDF]

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Date Respondent Issued By Order Disposition/Conduct
12/3/2002 Peter D. Faulkner, Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand Neglectof a Client's Matters; Preserving Identity of Funds and Property
11/21/2002 Richard B. Slosberg, Esq. Single Justice Suspended Suspension Conduct Unworthy of an Attorney; Conduct Prejudicial to the Administration of Justice; Conduct During Litigation: Adversary Conduct; Conduct During Representation: Standards of Care and Judgment
11/19/2002 Charles G. Williams III Single Justice Order and Decision [PDF]
11/12/2002 Lenore Anderson (f/k/a Lenore Grant) Single Justice Disbarment Conduct Unworthy of an Attorney; Misconduct involving Illegal Conduct, Deceit and Misrepresentation; Excessive Fees; Withdrawal from Employment; Standards of Care and Judgment; Neglect; Preserving Identity of Funds and Property
10/25/2002 Ralph W. Brown, Esq. Single Justice Suspension Conduct Unworthy of an Attorney; Conduct Prejudicial to the Administration of Justice; Excessive Fees; Standards of Care and Judgment
10/21/2002 Julio V. DeSanctis, Esq. Single Justice Reprimand Conduct Prejudicial to the Administration of Justice; Excessive Fee; Standards of Care and Judgment; Refusal of Complainant to Proceed/Compromise/Restitution
7/9/2002 Francis P. Daughan, Esq. Single Justice Suspension Conduct Unworthy of an Attorney; Illegal Conduct; Conduct Involving Misrepresentation; Conviction of Crimes
6/25/2002 In Re Jeffrey Pickering Single Justice Reinstatement
6/6/2002 Ronald L. Bishop Single Justice Disbarment Conduct Unworthy of an Attorney; Ilegal Cnduct ; Conduct involving Dishonesty, Fraud, Deceit, or Misrepresentation; Conduct Prejudicial to the Administration of Justice; Excessive Fees; Standards of Care and Judgment: Compentency; Neglect
5/21/2002 Brian E. Swales Single Justice Suspension Conduct Prejudicial to the Administration of Justice; Illegal Conduct; Conflict of Interest; Inadequate Preparation; Neglect
5/14/2002 Joseph R. Hunt, Esq. Single Justice Suspended Suspension Conduct During Representation: Neglect
5/14/2002 James P. Boone Single Justice Suspension
4/22/2002 Paul K. Marshall, Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand Conflict of Interest: Simultaneous Representation; Conflict of Interest: Fiduciary or Other Legal Obligation to Another; Conflict of Interest: Lawyer's Own Interest
4/22/2002 Joseph F. Holman, Esq. Single Justice Resignation
4/16/2002 Charles G. Williams III Single Justice Suspension [PDF]
3/25/2002 Jeffrey J. Fairbanks Single Justice Disbarment Conduct Unworthy of an Attorney; Admission, Disclosure and Misconduct - Other Misconduct; Conduct During Representation - Standards of Care and Judgment; Registration Requirements
3/13/2002 In Re James A. Brunelle, Esq. Single Justice Reinstatement Denied
3/11/2002 Stephen W. Devine Single Justice Amended Order N/A
2/22/2002 Guy P. Seaberg Single Justice Disbarment Conduct During Representation: Standards of Care and Judgment; Admission, Disclosure and Misconduct - Other Misconduct; Withdrawal from Employment; Registration Requirements
2/13/2002 Wayne B. Hollingsworth Single Justice Disbarment Reciprocal Discipline
2/12/2002 George Francis Wood Single Justice Decision & Amended Order [PDF]
1/18/2002 Lenore A. Anderson Single Justice Receiver Appointment [PDF]

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Date Respondent Issued By Order Disposition/Conduct
12/13/2001 In Re George Francis Wood Single Justice Reinstatement [PDF] NA
11/8/2001 John N. Whalen, Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand Conduct Unworthy of an Attorney; Conduct Involving Dishonesty, Fraud, Deceit or Misrepresentation; Standards of Care and Judgment: Reasonable Care and Skill
10/23/2001 E. Christopher L'Hommedieu, Esq. Single Justice Suspension Conduct Unworthy of an Attorney
10/3/2001 John M. Whalen Grievance Commission Reprimand Conduct Unworthy of an Attorney; Conflict of Interest; Confidentiality; Standards of Care and Judgment
7/10/2001 Richard A. Lord, Esq. Single Justice Suspension Excessive Fees; Identifying Commencement, Continuation, and Termination of Representation
5/24/2001 In Re Donald A. Spear Single Justice Reinstatement [PDF]
4/19/2001 Thomas M. Mangan Single Justice Motion for Relief from Judgment
3/15/2001 Richard S. Emerson, Jr. Single Justice Order for Monitoring [PDF]
3/15/2001 Richard Single Justice [PDF]
2/22/2001 Earle S. Tyler, Jr. Single Justice Suspension [PDF]
2/7/2001 Ronald L. Bishop, Esq. Single Justice Suspension Illegal Conduct; Conduct Involving Dishonesty, Fraud, Deceit, or Misrepresentation; Conduct Prejudicial to the Administration of Justice
1/24/2001 Albert P.C. Lefebvre Single Justice Disbarment Conduct Unworthy of An Attorney; Excessive Fees; serving Identity of Funds and Property; Misconduct During Representation; Misconduct before a Tribunal
1/16/2001 Thomas M. Mangan Law Court Decision Affirmed
1/5/2001 L. John Castner, Esq. Single Justice Resignation Resignation by Attorney Under Disciplinary Investigation

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Date Respondent Issued By Order Disposition/Conduct
11/2/2000 In Re Ronald G. Caron Single Justice Reinstatement NA
10/13/2000 In Re Richard B. Slosberg Single Justice Reinstatement [PDF] NA
9/22/2000 John P. Frankenfield, Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand Neglect
9/15/2000 Karen M. Burke, Esq. Single Justice Reprimand Conduct Prejudicial to the Administration of Justice; Conduct During Representation: Standards of Care and Judgment
8/22/2000 Robert H. Avaunt Grievance Commission Reprimand Conduct Unworthy of an Attorney; Conduct Involving Dishonesty and Deceit
8/7/2000 In Re Jeffrey J. Fairbanks Single Justice Reinstatement Decision & Amended Order [PDF] Reprimand
7/28/2000 Mark Kierstead, Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand Neglect of a Client's Matter; Failure to have a Written Contingent Fee Agreement
7/27/2000 Thomas J. Pelletier, Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand Conduct Unworthy of an Attorney; Conduct Prejudicial to the Administration of Justice
5/25/2000 Charles R. Oestreicher, Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand Conduct Unworthy of an Attorney; Identifying Commencement, Continuation, and Termination of Representation
5/23/2000 Peter A. Anderson Single Justice Resignation Resignation by Attorney Under Disciplinary Investigation
3/10/2000 William A. Fogel, Esq. Single Justice Suspension Conduct Unworthy of an Attorney
3/10/2000 Thomas M. Mangan Single Justice Disbarment
2/28/2000 Thomas M. Mangan Single Justice Findings Neglect; Conflict of Interest; Preserving Identity of Funds and Property; Conduct involving Dishonesty, Fraud, Deceit, or Misrepresentation
1/25/2000 Ronald G. Caron Single Justice Suspension Reciprocal Discipline Reciprocal Discipline
1/19/2000 Frank B. Walker, Esq. Grievance Commission Reprimand Standards of Care and Judgment: Inadequate Preparation; Neglect

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